Monday, June 8, 2009

No Talking Cake remake will be made soon

*sigh* it's true. I thought about the remake all last night and I realized that I just can't remake it in a succesfull way. As you guys probably read in my last post the remake would have been definitly darker then the original. My main reasons why I am not making a remake is simply that I don't feel that I could correctly portay the darkness of the book, and the fact that most of my family adore the original for many reasons.
I feared that if I redid the Talking Cake my family would feel like I totally ruined the child-friendly nature of the book and turned it into a darker book.
I think the phrase to describe turning a cheesy thing into a mature thing is called Batmaning it. You know in the original batman tv series batman was a real cheesy character(weird catchphrases, bright costumes, and cheesy fights). Then Christopher Nolan turned the character into the darker person. It kinda constrasts to turning the Talking Cake from a cheesy book into a more darker book. Now I know that whole batman reference doesn't make sense to you guys at all, but it was the closest thing I got to changing a cheesy thing into a dark thing.

In other news: I feel like I might be losing my love for writing. I'm just never in the mood to write anymore. Well I'm going to pool today and possibly I can get some ideas for new books, or I could even write a play or something.
Have a great summer!

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