Sunday, May 31, 2009

My problem with fast paced novels

The Fantasogra book I know for a fact is definitly fast pased, unlike my other novels which took place throughout the coarse of a whole year. The book is fairly fast and only takes place between a two day period. I know that it is very unrealistic that a handsome prince would fall in love with a random girl in one day and be fully devoted to her the next. I hope that I can possibly add some more scenes in that can possibly focus on Charles and Elizabeth and at least make the story take place on a longer period of time.
Maybe I can add some more scenes to focus more on Charles and Allison's relationship. You know make it slower and maybe have Charles have a little torn between Elizabeth's beauty or Allison's personality.
I'm just worried that since it is soo fased paced that it would seem unrealistic and confusing. Have a great summer!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The A-list, B-list and C-list characters

Much like in a hollywood movie the characters are usually classified into three major groups. There are the A-list characters, which are the main characters or have the most influence on the plot. Then there are the B-list characters, which are supporting characters who have some influence on the plot. After the C-list stars, who are the cameo characters and have little to no influence on the plot(like cameo scenes in movies).
Since lately I have been more interested in the next book I will write, I have been neglecting the Fantasogra book for a long time. I know that I gotta keep writing it, but everytime I continue writing the book I get a weird sense of shame. It feels very odd, because I actually feel like I don't like the Fantasogra book anymore. The Fantasogra book used to be my best novel before I went through that long phase of "What was I thinking?! this book sucks!". I fear that I might never complete the book. Wish me luck!
Have a great summer!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Yah my 100th post!

I am soo happy that it's my 100th post! Thank you all for viewing my blog and for the great comments. Just to make you guys happy, here is a funny video I made about Finding Nemo. Here is some background facts about Finding Nemo. Yes it is a Disney film, and yes it got good reviews. My little two year old sister is absolutly obsessed with Finding Nemo and I thought it would be fun to end Finding Nemo the way I think it should have ended. Enjoy!

Have a great summer!


My review for the Bratz Movie

A movie review for that stupid movie Bratz:
Ever since I first heard that they were making a Bratz Movie I said to myself “This is going to be the stupidest movie ever”, and frankly it was. It is a story based off the freak dolls who live in a perfect world. The movie trailer literally tells you how it ends. You know they defeat the popular girl and they win the guy. You have to be an idiot to not know how it ends. The movie was highly unrealistic, I mean what school is ruled by cliques, and what girl has an elephant at a party? The movie is very stupid, predictable, and the cast is basically composed of unknown stars who probably are doing nothing now. What genius thought that it would be cool to make a movie off the stupid doll company which portrays a anorexic, skanky version of what a girl should look like. The Bratz movie is just like the dolls, Fashion crazy, stupid and lack everything to be entertaining.
Unlike most of the other films I reviewed, I never liked this film even before it came out. Have a great summer!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Movie review for Star Trek

Yet another movie review by MWAH!

When I think of the Star Trek movie, I think of hot actors, cool special effects, and a some light comedy moments. I think that Star Trek definitely lives up to the Star Trek francise and definitely appeals to the younger audience. It has hot, young, and basically sexy actors who will make even the most hard-core Luke Skywalker fan drool uncontrollably. The action is superb and I always was at the edge of my seat during any battle. The sci-fi effects are very good compared to the trashy effects of the 1960 tv show which the movie is based off. The comedy in the film is very light and I don’t think that the film does a lot of comedic moments. The film company heavily relies on action, adventure, and hot actors to pull the film through .
Although most Star Trek fans will probably be disappointed with the fact that their favorite actors are being replaced by younger, more modern actors. They must not realize that the original actors are unable to do the stunts and nonstop labor of filming a sci-fi film. Those fans should be happy that Leonard Nimoy even got a cameo in the film. I mean what could anger those trekkies more than not having that 15 minute scene of the Starship Enterprise cast just sitting in a long room talking about galactic diplomacy in deep detail. They must be irate with the cool special effects, galactic battles and the fact that you can actually understand what the Klingons are saying! Unfortunaly during the film some moments didn’t really make sense, like the whole Black hole thingy was confusing at the start but made sense during the end.
The Star Trek movie will definitely impress almost all of it’s audience except those Trekkies who would rather watch two out of shape guys wearing bad makeup fighting in a real akward way. I give it 4 out of five stars with the one star off because of the fact that most Trekkies are upset with the fact that the Star Trek movie actually made sense.

Unlike the Prince Caspian review, this review is mostly positive. I absolutly loved this movie. Have a great summer!

A movie review by AM

I've tried doing some other types of literature, reviews. This review is of the film The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian.

The only thing I have to say is: Why Disney!? WHY? The movie relies too much on heavy action sequences rather then the characters personalities and the actual plot. What with the many added scenes that don’t really help the plot and the changes of the characters that are not in the actual book. For example: Peter and Caspian get along in the book but in the movie they are constantly bickering and fighting about the most random stuff. Almost the whole movie is just of action sequences and a bunch of teens constantly fighting each other. The high kings and queens are supposed to act like kings and queens rather than a bunch of whiney kids who have nothing better to do then complain about each others actions.
Also the whole Caspian/Susan romance thing was totally uncalled for and it angered a whole lot of Narnia fans. Disney made a very bad attempt to add soo much stuff in that wasn’t in the book that it just seems that the Prince Caspian movie is only related to the book by name. Not to mention that the whole “Night raid” thing was only added in so that Disney could appeal to the eyes of perverted teens who enjoy seeing talking animal-freaks being stabbed to death.
Ben Barnes did an adequate job as Caspian but he didn’t really “WOW!” me. In fact most of the actors seemed the same. They all were whiney complainers who would rather argue then do anything. Also Caspian doesn’t really act like a king and Disney definitely did some major character changes(age, looks, goofy accent).
There is countless things that the movie could have left out. The countless action sequences that aren’t in the book could have been censored down or limited to only three main battles. That whole thick accent thingy was too funny to take seriously.
Though the Prince Caspian movie isn’t all bad. The action sequences can appear a bit entertaining and the special effects are good(well except for Aslan). This movie is recommended for people who just enjoy watching non-stop action and care little for talking and character development.

It feels very weird to be insulting the movie that I was once obsessed with. Two or three years ago I used to be obsessed with this movie(well before it came out). My film obsessions happen almost all the time and right when I see the movie I almost instantly get over them. Hope you enjoyed the review! Have a great summer!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Fantasogra's honeymoon is over

It's a sad part of my life when I have to admit that my new book has flaws. I now know that the Fantasogra book has flaws. Which put the end of my Fantasogra book's honeymoon(when I believed that everybody would love the book, and I thought it was the most perfect book ever). Here is the list of flaws that I found in the Fantasogra book:
1. The character of Elizabeth is too sterotypical. A evil blonde girl who will stop at nothing to have the hot guy
2. Charles lacks personality except for his hate of Elizabeth and minor emotional stability issues
3. The plot seems too obvious

Luckily I'm not done with the book so I can possibly change those things. In other news: I'm waiting for the results to my audition for MTW(Musical theatre workshop). I can't wait to know what I got! Have a great week!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Literary dream

Ever since I wrote the Talking Cake, I've dreamed the Literary dream. The Literary Dream is a concept where authors believe that their book will be best-seller, be made into a movie, and have that movie win an Oscar. Basically it's what every author wanta to happen to their novel.

My literary dream began when I wrote the Talking Cake. I believed that the Talking Cake was the greatest novel ever and that it was for sure to be made into a movie. I had even made my ideal movie trailer and cast. My high hopes for the Talking Cake soon ended when I started writing the Diary of a Lipgloss Addict. Then I started thinking that the Diary of a Lipgloss addict would be a best seller, and would finally give me some respect in my school. I even thought that it would be made into a tv show.
I've noticed that whenever I wrote a new book I would loose confidence in my older novels. Now I have to know that there is a very low chance that any of my books will become best-sellers and be made into movies. Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

An update of the Fantasogra book

Here is a simple update on The Fantasogra book.
1. Elizabeth leaves the Library and heads back to her house.
2. She tells her slave Beatrice to have Silverthread(her horse) ready because she plans to see Mrs. Beauty(Sleeping Beauty) to ask her about how to get Charles to love her again. Elizabeth then starts to believe that Allison is a witch and she cast a love spell on Charles
3. Elizabeth talks to Mrs. Beauty, though she doesn't tell Mrs. Beauty who Charles's lover is.
4. Elizabeth then decides to skip Health class( which is basicly just about how to stay skinny by being anorexic) so she can spy on Charles to see if he is with Allison
5. She skips Lunch(which is not suprising) and sees Allison and Charles together in the Lavender Garden
6. While Allison and Charles share an intimate moment, they are interupted by Zach, one of Allison's friends, who demands to know that the rumor about Charles and Allison are going out. Allison tries to convince Zach that Charles employed her as a slave and that he is just being nice to her.
7. Zach warns her that he's heard many stories about Chosen folk seducing Normal ones just to break their hearts and make them the laughing stalk of the town. Allison refuses to believe it.
8. After Zach leaves, Charles and Allison make their way to the Godmother's path to be alone.
9. Elizabeth sees all of it and goes to Principle Charming(Prince Charming) to finally complain abhout Allison and Charles being together.
10. She makes up a fact story in order to make herself seem like the heroine of the story. She claims that Allison had been threatening Elizabeth, that she caused the carriage crash(when indead it was a drunk driver who caused it), and that she cast a spell on Charles to make him love her.
11. Elizabeth and four members of the Fantasogra police then go off in search of Charles and Allison who are at the Godmother's path
12. It ends when the police surround Charles and Allison.

Oh and my Writers Club is over and I am soo sad. Who am I going to tell about the posts I write online? Have a great week!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Fantasogra book's secret message

When I was reading through The Fantasogra book, I noticed some odd things. Soo much of the book reminded me of the prejudice and gender roles of the 1950-1960s. Here are the following reasons why:
1. It talks about the cruel treatment of people who don't fit into the society(the Normal ones).
2. How the government made harsh laws in order to keep the Normal ones in poverty and their population low.
3. Women(princesses) were supposed to be obedient to their husbands and weren't given most rights. Which I think contrasts to the whole "Ideal family" thing about women being stay-at-home mothers. Though in Fantasogra the princesses were required to have a son for their husbands, and no more than one daughter.
4. People found the affair between Charles( a chosen one) and Allison( a normal one) a serious crime. It kinda contrasts with the whole interracial marriage ban.
5. The Chosen ones were taught that they were better then the Normal ones. This one needs no explanation. The Chosen ones are given the best of everything.

Now I didn't do these things on purpose, I just noticed them later on. Some people might not think that The Fantasogra book has anything in common with the 1950-1960s, other maybe not. I'm just saying that most books have hidden messages that if you read between the lines you start to realize things that might surprise you.
On a lighter note: I've made my own soundtrack for the Fantasogra book. I've decided that the Normal one theme is God Help The Outcasts from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Have a great week

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Point of Views

Whether your story is in first person or is omniscient, your novel depends on point of views. A matter of fact this post is in first person. Here are the common types of point of views and their advantages and disadvantages
First person: when a story is told by only one character at a time. They usually use the words I, and we. It only shows the point of view of one character, and is usually bias against another character or the plot( it only shows their side of the story and not the others). The Fantasogra book is in First person, but it switches point of views every two chapters from Allison to Elizabeth.
An advantage is that the audience bonds more with the main character.
Disadvantage: Writing the characters personality and how they react will be a bit harder. Plus everybody is tempted to write what another character is thinking or doing but you can't except if the main character is involved.
Second Person: It's the most rarest kind of narration. It's when the audience is an actual character, and they use the phrase "You" a lot. For example: Suddenly you walked up to him". I personally never used it except when I'm going school essays, but that's it.
Advantage: the reader kinda feels like they are closer to the story
Disadvantage: It sounds weird, and is rarely used in the literary world( especially in fiction). Though it is used in self-help books, and non-fiction works.
Third Person: It is the most commonly used narrative theme . It is when characters are referred to as "he", "she", "it", or "they", but never as "I" or "we" (first-person), or "you" (second-person). The author can peer into the minds of more then one character and tell what's going on a thousand miles away or in another location.
Advantages: Lets your reader know more about the characters, locations, facts and point of views of the characters
Disadvantages: It is harder to manage all those characters and plus make it believable to the audience. When I wrote The Talking Cake I always wanted to write it in just First person because the characters were not interesting and it was soo hard to manage all them.

Now that you know what the different types of point of views there are you can simply pick one out. Though sometimes when you are writing a story you suddenly feel like your constantly wanting to know more about what the other characters.
When I was writing the Talking Cake I wanted to write a whole new story but from Claire's point of view. So I wrote a new story called Against The Dark Night. After writing around ten pages I realized something. The Dark Night book was basically just the Talking Cake book but from Claire's view. There wasn't any real differences, plus the title sounded like The Dark Knight. You have no idea how many times people asked "But there is no Dark Knight", and "Why is Batman in your book". I canceled the book and have no real plans to start it again.
Have a great week!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Some great news

YAH I passed the CRCT, so now I don't have to go to summer school! I am soo happy. The only bad thing is that now I have to find some things to do during summer. Hmm what can I do? Write books, go to White Water, hang out with friends, and go to Drama camp. Oh and not to mention blogging all about it.
Now on writing news: I sent a copy of the first chapter of my Fantasogra book was sent to Mr. W( the teacher who hosts my Writers club). It is said to be "published" even though it is just being bound together and put in the Media center for less then 6 days. I guess that will be the closest to publishing as I will get so far.
Also I've noticed that whenever I write a new book I loose confidence in my older novels. I remember the days when I used to believe that The Talking Cake would be a best seller and be made into a movie. I had even made a powerpoint on my ideal cast members. Worst part when that I even imagined how the trailer would look like. But when I wrote The Diary of a lipgloss addict, I started to realize how terrible the Talking Cake was. I then believed that the Diary book would be a best seller and be made into a movie. I even made a trailer! When I wrote the Fantasogra book I started realizing how bad the Diary book was. I realized that the Diary book had soo much going on that it was hard to keep up with.
I just wonder how I will feel about the Fantasogra book when I write my next novel. My main worry is just that I will feel like my old writing is terrible after I write a new book. Have a great week!
Ps: I won't be able to post any new posts tommorow and on Saturday because I am going to a sleepover(the first in over a year). Thanks!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Talking Cake changed me for the better

Like the song For Good from Wicked, The Talking Cake has changed me for the better. For one I know how NOT to write a book. Two: It gave me some basic character concepts for most of my modern characters. Three: It helped give me ideas for my other novels.
I don't know whether The Talking Cake is a big failure or a platform of my older novels. Have a good week!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My top three ideas for when I finish the Fantasogra book

I usually don't like to take a break after I finish any story of mine. So I compile a list of story ideas to keep me entertained. Though this isn't the case all of the time, but most of the time. Here is the top three ideas for stories I will write when I finish the Fantasogra book
1. Title: Order up. It's a comedy about the lives of a bunch of teens working at a local fast food restaurant
2. Title: unknown. It's a romantic fantasy documenting the life of Medusa before and during the whole "Perseus thingy"
3. Title: unnamed. A fictional diary of a teen who lives in 2013 right after an nuclear meteor collides into Earth destroying most of it's land and transforming it's people into werewolves. It will talk about trying to rebuild a society off of nothing, and trying to defend themselves from the werewolves.

Ok so the last one was a little too far fetched, but I feel that it could be a bit interesting. Though I doubt that a meteor can turn people in werewolves. That's what fiction is for! Making up random reasons to cause the most weirdest phenomenons ! Have a great week!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Land of the Lost Stories

When I was in 4th to 8th grade I used to have an alphasmart(which is like a mini typing pad), and it was home to some of my original novels. Now I constantly had to replace them to either get an updated version or because it broke. I only remember a small batch of the stories that got erased when I sent the alphasmart back. Here are the three that I do remember:
1. An unnamed Titanic ripoff: Basically it was a childrens version of the movie Titanic. You know a wealthy first class girl falls in love with a 3rd class boy. YAWN!
2. Yet another unnamed story about two sisters who sneak into the "Upper class area" of their town to try to get a normal life rather then one on poverty. The only problem was that it was one of those novels where the mom dies and I just didn't know how to end it
3. One of the thousands of Talking Cake sequels. I used to have hundreds of ideas on how to make a sequel. The first sequel I got rid of because it made no sense, and another got accidently deleted.

I know that there must be loads of stories that were erased(most of whom I might not even remember). Oh and I'm sorry that I havn't been updating my blog lately. I've been busy with homework and tests. Have a good week!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

An update on the Fantasogra book

ok now recently I havn't been writing as much posts lately( mainly because I've been busy with CRCT test prep, and I've been slowly losing ideas for post). So I decided that the most simple post is to just talk about the Fantasogra book. Here is what is happening:
1. Elizabeth consults the mirror on the wall and learns that Charles might not love her
2. The next day Charles sneaks Allison out of school and takes her to the Silver Lake
3. While at the beach Allison falls more in love with Charles, but the other "Chosen ones" who are at the beach get aggravated with the fact that a Normal one(Allison) is at a Chosen one beach. The two are forced to leave, after they notice Charles become more flirtatious with Allison
4. It then skips over to Elizabeth who is in the bathroom primping her hair. It also talks a little about the Chosen one craze of being skinny. Elizabeth's friend Tanya tells her that Charles and Allison were seen together at the beach.
5. Elizabeth storms out of the school with Tanya and her friend Caroline in search for Charles. They go to the Silver Lake, and they find out that they must have gone to The Wall( which is the only barrier between Fantasogra and the Fairy Tale Land). The Fairy Tale Land is where all Chosen ones go to have their happily after, Fantasogra is like a Chosen one training place. It can also be where most Chosen ones choose to retire
6. Elizabeth gets to the wall only to see Charles kissing Allison. She is enraged and waits till the two leave to confront Charles
7. Elizabeth goes to Charles house and she hears Charles fighting with his mother about Allison. When Elizabeth finally catches up with Charles he admits that he never loved her.
8. After a failed attempt to seduce Charles, Elizabeth starts to believe that Allison is a witch and she must have cast a spell over Charles
9. While heading to the library to research ways to break a spell, She sees yet another riot at Rats County(which is where Allison lives). Elizabeth admits that she is a Chosen one supremacist.
10. While at the library she finds out that she has to get Charles to believe that she is his true love. Her famous line is "Charles and I will live happily ever after if he likes it or not".

I hope to continue writing and hopefully get to the end soon. I know that this is going to be a short story. My only question is whether I want the Fantasogra book or the Diary book to get published. Have a good week!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Climax is like the cherry on top of a ice cream sunday

By definition the Climax or turning point of a work is its point of highest tension or drama or when the action starts in which the solution is given. Yah that's the stupid Wikipedia definition. My view of Climax is the part that the book(or film) is most famous for, it's what everybody wants to see. It's the best part of the book!
To write a succesful climax you usually have to know the ending to your book and have everything planned out. Once you done that try to slowly piece together your climax, try to make it the best of your writing. Also most climax's usually include a large action(or suspencful sequences), or they just find the solution to the problem. Then just write your climax, and be SURE that it entertains your reader.

Now not all Climaxs are action packed and complex. There are some things that are like the opposite of a climax, that's c alled a Anti-climax. An anti-climax is where something which would appear to be difficult to solve in a plot is solved through something trivial. For example, destroying a heavily guarded facility would require advanced technology, teamwork and weaponry for a climax, but in an anti-climax it may just consist of pushing a red button which says "Emergency Self-Destruct", or even more so, simply filling out an eviction notice and destroying the building.

Climaxs are huge and if you know what to do you should make a climax that everybody will remember. Have a good week!