Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My top three ideas for when I finish the Fantasogra book

I usually don't like to take a break after I finish any story of mine. So I compile a list of story ideas to keep me entertained. Though this isn't the case all of the time, but most of the time. Here is the top three ideas for stories I will write when I finish the Fantasogra book
1. Title: Order up. It's a comedy about the lives of a bunch of teens working at a local fast food restaurant
2. Title: unknown. It's a romantic fantasy documenting the life of Medusa before and during the whole "Perseus thingy"
3. Title: unnamed. A fictional diary of a teen who lives in 2013 right after an nuclear meteor collides into Earth destroying most of it's land and transforming it's people into werewolves. It will talk about trying to rebuild a society off of nothing, and trying to defend themselves from the werewolves.

Ok so the last one was a little too far fetched, but I feel that it could be a bit interesting. Though I doubt that a meteor can turn people in werewolves. That's what fiction is for! Making up random reasons to cause the most weirdest phenomenons ! Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas for books! I have always had a soft space in my heart for werewolves. What an imagination you have!
