Thursday, May 28, 2009

A movie review by AM

I've tried doing some other types of literature, reviews. This review is of the film The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian.

The only thing I have to say is: Why Disney!? WHY? The movie relies too much on heavy action sequences rather then the characters personalities and the actual plot. What with the many added scenes that don’t really help the plot and the changes of the characters that are not in the actual book. For example: Peter and Caspian get along in the book but in the movie they are constantly bickering and fighting about the most random stuff. Almost the whole movie is just of action sequences and a bunch of teens constantly fighting each other. The high kings and queens are supposed to act like kings and queens rather than a bunch of whiney kids who have nothing better to do then complain about each others actions.
Also the whole Caspian/Susan romance thing was totally uncalled for and it angered a whole lot of Narnia fans. Disney made a very bad attempt to add soo much stuff in that wasn’t in the book that it just seems that the Prince Caspian movie is only related to the book by name. Not to mention that the whole “Night raid” thing was only added in so that Disney could appeal to the eyes of perverted teens who enjoy seeing talking animal-freaks being stabbed to death.
Ben Barnes did an adequate job as Caspian but he didn’t really “WOW!” me. In fact most of the actors seemed the same. They all were whiney complainers who would rather argue then do anything. Also Caspian doesn’t really act like a king and Disney definitely did some major character changes(age, looks, goofy accent).
There is countless things that the movie could have left out. The countless action sequences that aren’t in the book could have been censored down or limited to only three main battles. That whole thick accent thingy was too funny to take seriously.
Though the Prince Caspian movie isn’t all bad. The action sequences can appear a bit entertaining and the special effects are good(well except for Aslan). This movie is recommended for people who just enjoy watching non-stop action and care little for talking and character development.

It feels very weird to be insulting the movie that I was once obsessed with. Two or three years ago I used to be obsessed with this movie(well before it came out). My film obsessions happen almost all the time and right when I see the movie I almost instantly get over them. Hope you enjoyed the review! Have a great summer!

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