Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Movie review for Star Trek

Yet another movie review by MWAH!

When I think of the Star Trek movie, I think of hot actors, cool special effects, and a some light comedy moments. I think that Star Trek definitely lives up to the Star Trek francise and definitely appeals to the younger audience. It has hot, young, and basically sexy actors who will make even the most hard-core Luke Skywalker fan drool uncontrollably. The action is superb and I always was at the edge of my seat during any battle. The sci-fi effects are very good compared to the trashy effects of the 1960 tv show which the movie is based off. The comedy in the film is very light and I don’t think that the film does a lot of comedic moments. The film company heavily relies on action, adventure, and hot actors to pull the film through .
Although most Star Trek fans will probably be disappointed with the fact that their favorite actors are being replaced by younger, more modern actors. They must not realize that the original actors are unable to do the stunts and nonstop labor of filming a sci-fi film. Those fans should be happy that Leonard Nimoy even got a cameo in the film. I mean what could anger those trekkies more than not having that 15 minute scene of the Starship Enterprise cast just sitting in a long room talking about galactic diplomacy in deep detail. They must be irate with the cool special effects, galactic battles and the fact that you can actually understand what the Klingons are saying! Unfortunaly during the film some moments didn’t really make sense, like the whole Black hole thingy was confusing at the start but made sense during the end.
The Star Trek movie will definitely impress almost all of it’s audience except those Trekkies who would rather watch two out of shape guys wearing bad makeup fighting in a real akward way. I give it 4 out of five stars with the one star off because of the fact that most Trekkies are upset with the fact that the Star Trek movie actually made sense.

Unlike the Prince Caspian review, this review is mostly positive. I absolutly loved this movie. Have a great summer!

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