Monday, May 11, 2009

Land of the Lost Stories

When I was in 4th to 8th grade I used to have an alphasmart(which is like a mini typing pad), and it was home to some of my original novels. Now I constantly had to replace them to either get an updated version or because it broke. I only remember a small batch of the stories that got erased when I sent the alphasmart back. Here are the three that I do remember:
1. An unnamed Titanic ripoff: Basically it was a childrens version of the movie Titanic. You know a wealthy first class girl falls in love with a 3rd class boy. YAWN!
2. Yet another unnamed story about two sisters who sneak into the "Upper class area" of their town to try to get a normal life rather then one on poverty. The only problem was that it was one of those novels where the mom dies and I just didn't know how to end it
3. One of the thousands of Talking Cake sequels. I used to have hundreds of ideas on how to make a sequel. The first sequel I got rid of because it made no sense, and another got accidently deleted.

I know that there must be loads of stories that were erased(most of whom I might not even remember). Oh and I'm sorry that I havn't been updating my blog lately. I've been busy with homework and tests. Have a good week!


  1. Yeah, that's the bad thing about computers - they eat stories if you're not careful to back up your writing. Been there, done that, no fun.

  2. Sigh, whatever happened to good old pencil and paper. Only 1 1/2 more weeks of school, than full-time summer writingfest! Mom
