Saturday, January 9, 2010

The most sickening thing ever

I was home alone and I decided to see how long it would take for me to get disgusted while watching the Super Hero Squad tv show. Two seconds. Right when I saw the weird 5-year old like Marvel superheroes I was like, "OH HELL NO! NO NO! OHH GOD! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU ALL!?". They looked like freakin five year olds! Then when I saw Captain America (who once again looked like a five-year old) sleeping which wearing some geeky blue night cap, I was like, "THIS ISN"T REAL! I NEVER WATCHED THIS! THIS DOESN'T EXIST! I'M NOT SEEING THIS!". I then quickly turned it off and tried to whip that horrible image from my mind. I mean how stupid is it that all these classic Marvel superheroes have been turned into kiddy crap. I mean EVERY superhero looked like a fat five year old. Magneto, The Punisher (whose like the darkest, least-kidfriendly character ever), the hulk (who looked like a happy green giant), Iron man, and even Thor! How could you do that Marvel?! It's looks like Disney is already starting to dumb-down you guys. I mean come on! How dare you turn this :

(bad-ass) into this (kiddy, goofy, tiny, weak. Nonbad-ass. Plus his arms are bigger than his freakin head.
and this

into this (yes that's the actual size of the hulk in the show. He's a little shrimp!) and He's freaking smiling! Wouldn't that make him Bruce Banner again? Oh wait this is a kids show and anger is a forbidden emotion. Gosh I h-a-t-e this show. I only saw two seconds of it and I already hate it. Is this Marvel trying to copy Dc's animated shows? I mean we all know that whenever Dc makes a movie, then Marvel makes a movie. When Dc makes a show, then Marvel attempts to make a show. Marvel your not supposed to make kiddy shows with your characters. Your characters are flawed, and realistic. They can't be like the perfect DC characters who can made to be kiddy. You can't make the Hulk into a kid-friendly character and expect to be taken seriously. Epic fail on your part. I thought you were better than this.
I'm sorry for the whole gettingg angry and being unformal, but I can't talk about superheroes on my other blog. People complained about it.

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