Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who is worse: Stephanie meyer or Carole Marsh?

In corner number one we have Stephanie Meyer aka our bored, horny housewife, and on corner number two we have Carole Marsh, aka our attention seeking lady. Who will win the battle of the whose the worst author. This will be judged on which is worse (so don't think i'm picking who did a better job, it's on who did worse. got it) Let's begin with Round one with whose the worst Self insert.
While Stephanie Meyer tried to hide the fact that Bella Swan is basicly how she wishes she was in high school (pretty, popular without trying, ends up marrying a rich dominating guy, and be smart), Carole Marsh literally made herself and her family characters in her series. They are even on the cover. Though her self-inserts aren't as idealized, but they still have some common Mary sue elements. For example: it's always up to the children to save the day, and they always do without any trouble. Their flaws are meant to be seen as cute and funny and for some reason they never seem to age. She also probably made herself a character so she can imagine herself going to the many locations that she wants to go to, also she put a lot of merchandise plugs (cough cough Carole Marsh Mysterious fan club watches cough cough) in many of her books. So whose the winner: the author who secretly made herself a overly idealized self-insert, or the author who intentionally makes her family characters?
The winner is... Stephanie meyer! For going out of her way to live out her personal desires through her novel. Congrajulations..you suck!

Round Two: Writing style
Stephanie Meyer has been both praised and critisized for using over-the-top descriptions of everything (but mostly Edward), while Carole Marsh has tons of grammatical, and spelling errors. The clear winner is Carole Marsh! For writing a story as if you wrote it on less than a hour.

Round three: Reality (two part)
Stephanie Meyer did no research what-so ever (because if your dead you can't have kids, Forks is not the rainiest place on earth, there are no eight pointed snowflakes, you can't skip school ever sunny day without the government getting mad, it is illegal to ride a motorcycle without a license, and there is no 1 thousand dollar bill in Italy). While Carole Marsh altered reality just so her grandkids can go on adventures by themselves (nobody attempts to rape or kidnap that kids while they wander around by themselves, and they don't go missing). The clear winner is Stephanie Meyer.
Round three part 2: If the books were realistic.
Here are some common scenarios of what could happen if the characters of the Carole Marsh Mysteries were transported into reality (which is worse?):
1. Grant and Christina witness a murder and rather than telling the police they try to solve the mystery themselves. The two children manage to track the criminals to an abandoned warehouse. The two refuse to call the police because they believe the criminals will either give themselves up or not hurt them because they are kids. The two confront the criminals, but the criminals aren't as nice as the kids imagined them to be. The two are taken hostage, and Grant is killed. Christina is then addicted to drugs by her captors, and sold into prostitution. Meanwhile Carole Marsh wobbles home drunk after allowing her grandchildren to wander around the heavily populated areas. She doesn't notice her grandchildren are gone for another four weeks, which she spent drinking, partying, and reading Harlequin novels. She is then arrested for child endangerment, child neglect, child adandonment, and not calling the police after the kids didn't return. She was then put in jail for over fifty years, and Christina has yet to be found

2. Grant and Christina are allowed to wander around New York by themselves as long as they return to a certain spot in a couple hours. They loose their way and their grandma won't pick up the phone. The children stay the night on the corner of a street, and eat some scraps of food from the garbage for dinner. They refuse to call the police or go to a shelter because they know that they will not help them. After a cold and hungry sleep, the two decide to go to a shelter where they are returned to their grandma, who thought they would return soon. The parents of Grant and Christina take them back home, and dont allow the kids to return to Carole. Carole is later sued

3. While at Disney world, Christina finds out that the kidnapped kids are in the Cinderella castle (for some reason) and decides to go into a closed-off area. She is unfortunatly cought and banned from Disney World. Some security guards go to see why she was going up there and find the kidnapped children. The end

4. Chrina or grant hear about some form of mystery, and they call the police, and or tell the police about the clues they find. The mystery is solved in a couple minutes. The end

Twilight realistic version:
1. Bella swan meets a handsome man. He emotionally abuses her (controls the relationship, bosses over Bella, sometimes physically abuses her, treats her as inferior, and makes her stay weak) but she continues to stay with him because he sexually satisfies her. Her friends are worried for her and calls Edward's obsessiveness and abusivness bad, but Bella defends him as being protective and that he loves her a lot. It ends when she becomes the weak, submissive housewife/high school drop out whose husband bosses her around and decides everything that they do. The end

So whose the winner (or is it loser) of the realisticness. The Winner is.... it's a tie! For making it seem that if you wander away from your parents and search for criminals then nothing bad will happen to you, and that you don't have to do research.

Round four: Morals/messages
The messages of the Carole Marsh mysterious are simple:
1. Hey kids, it's ok to abandon your parents and wander around heavily populated places (which is probably full of pedofiles, kidnappers, drug dealers, pimps, and worst of all....scientologists)
2. When you see a crime happen, don't call the police and instead investigate the crime youselves. Criminals won't hurt you because your kids
3. Grandmas, it's ok to allow your 12 and 7 year old to wander around heavily populated cites by themselves. What pedofile, or rapist would want ot kidnap/rape a 12 year old girl and a 7 year old boy?
Twilight messages are more like
1. Ladies, your only goal in life should be marrying and having babies. You SHOULD NOT attempt college, and instead be a housewife
2. Again ladies, your husband should control the relationship and everything in your life. He is your new owner and you must give into his ever wimb
3. Teen pregnancies are cool
4. Guys, being a stalker/ possesive jerk is the best way to show a girl you love her. Once you see a girl you like, don't stop talking her and being a total jerk towards her till she's yours
5. It's okay to have sex with a older man as long as you look older than you actually are. Translation: If your 14 but you look 18, then it is ok to have sex with that 40 year old
6. Pedofilia is ok. Child-grooming is a way to make it okay. ( Child grooming is th the deliberate actions taken by an adult to form a trusting relationship with a child, with the intent of later having sexual contact is known as child grooming. The act of grooming a child sexually may include activities that are legal in and of themselves, but later lead to sexual contact. Typically, this is done to gain the child's trust as well as the trust of those responsible for the child's well-being. In this case acting like a brother/friend)

Yah the winner is Stephanie Meyer and last but certainly not least Round 4 : predictability

Carole Marsh writes as if she was told to write a mystery in less than 30 minutes and release two new books every week. So in order to do that, she made the criminals give the children clues (just so she didn't have to think and have the characters actually do some investigating, and to force the story to continue), and makes those clues ridiculiously easy. While Stephanie Meyer's predictability is mostly just "you know Bella will get everything she wants, and nobody important will die". Yet Bella's pregnancy, Laurent going good for about a page, Edward dumping Bella, and the whole Jacob imprinting on Renesmee were kinda suprising. While I knew everything that was going to happen in every single Carole marsh book book. The kids would solve the mystery without a scratch, solve the clues, and live happily ever after. The winner is Carole Marsh

So who overall is the bette author. Ok the better author is...Carole Marsh! While Carole Marsh is a pretty crappy author, Stephanie Meyer just taints her books with too many bad messages. Stephanie Meyer is a better author at making it kinda unpredictable, writing style, and making it a little original. While Carole just seems as if she wrote the first cliche that came to her mind and has only thirty minutes to write it and didn't both to proofread or edit it. She just sent it to the publishers just so she can make more money.

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