Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Some more books if they were realistic (and took place in modern society)

Gossip Girl:
1. Blair asks a computer hacker to hack into Gossipgirl.com and find out whose email it is. Once the email is found than mystery solved. Plus wouldn't Gossip girl be arrested for cyber bullying

1. Some pretty virgin marrys a rich, attogant,hot guy for his money and gets knocked up.

Lord of the rings:
1. They catapolt both the ring and Boromir into Mount Doom. They need to get rid of Boromir so Aragorn can become king
2. Nuke the place, and drop the ring in Mount Doom. Oh and be sure that Boromir is in the area before the place is bombed (Aragorn needs to be king)

Song of the Sparrow:
1. A whole lot of poetry, and naked swimming

Fan fiction:
1. IDK really. Just the tweenaged author drooling over their favorite book character and having a relationship with him or her. I've never written fan fiction (well my mom said I wrote one LOTR fan fiction, but I only remember writing the last chapter of it)

The Talking Cake:
1. Younger, and hotter versions of the Lord of the rings, except more crappy

The Diary of a Lipgloss addict:
1. IDK, basicly be an identical replica of Bella Swan meeting an exact replica of Edward Cullen, and making enemies with an exact replica of the stereotypical bad-girls/James, Victoria, and Laurent)

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