Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wow writing a wish-fulfillment is soo hard

I thought writing a story for my own personal enjoyment would be easy. All I had to do was create the biggest Mary sue/ self insert of myself, and just start writing about everything I wanted. Sure Anna Elsie has everything I want. You know good looks, insanely popular (people literally instantly adore her), people shower Anna Elsie with tons of expensive gifts, and so far the only people who don't like her are cruel and outcasts. I even plan to give Anna Elsie a perfect boyfriend. What's really weird is that despite Anna Elsie is meant to be me, I still find myself jealous of her and even hating her. If I wasn't making this a wish-fulfillment story then I would kill that stupid Mary sue off in a heart beat. Even though I would technically be killing myself off....but hey it's fiction!
Oh and something about writing a story where everything is perfect and ends perfectly seems soo...weird. I usually have the characters sometimes risk something. Example: Claire gave up her powers to save Trevor, but of coarse I gave them back to her. But in the wish-fulfillment story everything gets handed to Anna Elsie on a silver platter, and she doesn't have to risk anything. I always like conflict and I love adding some action into a story. If this story wasn't a wish-fulfillment then here are some possible storylines:
a. Anna Elsie thinks she's living a perfect only to find out that she's actually in a coma and suddenly awakes back into reality where everything is not perfect.

b. The town she lives in (who apparantly worships her) is actually a evil cult who brainwashes it's inhabitants to worship any new visitor before they brainwash them into believing what they believe in. In short: The citizens are brainwashed to believe any new visitors are gods until a new visitor comes in which the old 'god' is brainwashed into becoming another of the dumb citizens. Too complicated

c. The mysterious teens she sees are actually the only people in the towns that havn't been brainwashed. They explain to her that the life she has been living is not been real, and everybody is only pretending to adore her. Soon the leaders of the town known as "the counselors" learns about how Anna knows that her life is fake and that Anna plans to tell the hundreds of other "perfect life people" that it is all fake. Which will unfortunately end in "the counselors" to lose their power.

Ok so maybe my original ideas aren't as good as they used to be, but be happy that I'm trying. Trying to be creative is as hard as saying that Ryan Reynolds isn't gay looking. What!? He is not the most manliness looking guy in the world. He's attractive in all, but not manly hot. Wow that was totally off topic.

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