Thursday, January 7, 2010

The similarities between Stephanie Meyer and me

1. Both of our novels are based off fantasies of ours. My fantasy being of my ideal adventure, rather than Stephanie's sexual and 'perfect high school life' fantasy. Though my Diary of a lipgloss addict was my 'perfect high schoo life' fantasy just like Stephanie's.
2. Our main heroine is an author avatar of ourselves, except more idealized
3. We don't have the guts to kill off a major character. Though I did kill off Justin in one of my sequels to the Diary of a lipgloss addict, but I had planned to bring him back in one of the sequels.
4. We both love love-triangles. In the Diary of a lipgloss addict both Garret and Justin fight over Nancy (the author avatar of me)
5. We can't take criticism. This is only partial because I want criticism but I sometimes get upset when somebody insults any of my characters. We both say, "Well you just don't understand the character!"
6. We had already casted the characters (actor wise). I had already chosen Keira Knightley to play Claire, and Chace Crawford to play Trevor. It was actually pretty fun to cast them.
7. Our main heroes are our ideal man. Edward is Stephanie's ideal man, while Will, Trevor and Justin were my ideal men
8. We shower our characters with good/bad personality traits, but then we fail to show them. I tried to have Daisy come off as dumb, but she came off as anything but.
9. We rip off of other novels. I admit it: The Talking cake was supposed to be a younger-version of The Lord of the Rings. While Twilight is just another of your cliche vampire romance novels except with a more annoying, weak heroine, and a sparkly vampire (rather than a vampire who either burns in the sunlight, or weakens significantly). Edward is a rip-off of the stereotypical handsome prince, Claire is the stereotypical rebellious princess (minus the princess part for the first part). Daisy is the stereotypical damsel in distress. Oh and I based the troll demons off orcs (from the Lord of the rings), and I tried to make the four witches like Sauron and Saruman.
10. We rape the thesaurus. In the Diary of a lipgloss addict, I attempt to copy Stephanie Meyer's writing style by using fancy adjectives constantly. Sure using fancy adjectives makes you seem smart, but if you use them as filler or just to describe somebody's physical looks constantly then what is the point? Dear Stephanie: You don't need to constantly describe Edward's looks. We get it, he's gorgeous! Move on!
11. Every character (the good ones) get a happily ever after. Will and Daisy get married and become king and queen. Claire and Trevor start to date and leave to have their own adventure. The witches are destroyed, and every character gets what they deserve. Also Trevor comes back to life, because I just can't kill off my ideal man (yes most of the male leads in my books are Gary stues, and a guy who I would date)
12. We use large fonts to make our books seem long
13. We both founds handsome, protective, stalkers to be absolutely romantic. Once again: When I was a twitard I found protective stalkers to be the perfect boyfriend.
14. Most characters who don't like our author avatar are cruel, mean or jealous of them.

Differences between Stephanie Meyer and I:

1. I have some strong female leads. Example: Claire. Bella allows Edward to control her and many times shows that Stephanie made her to become the perfect conservative housewife. Edward controls the relationship, Bella's only goal in life is to marry Edward and father his child (which is kinda creepy seeing that she basically had a teen pregnancy). She even attempts to commit suicide when Edward leaves her because she just can't go on in life without a man to take care of her. And Stephanie Meyer tells us she is a feminist? Dear Stephanie: Read your own books. Oh and don't just read it when your doing naughty stuff by yourself. Bella is anything but a feminist. I know feminist and she is not one.
2. I literally kill off a main character(s). I did technically kill of Trevor, but I brought him back. I mean he did die, so that still counts. While Stephanie never kills off her characters because I think she has too close of a bond to the characters
3. Did I mention that I don't intentionally make my female characters name sound like mine (well in a major story of mine). I am working on one secret story where the female lead's name sounds strikingly like mine: Her name is Anna Elsie. Yes that is the wish fulfimment story I had planned to write). In Stephanie Meyer's The Host: the female character's name is Melanie Stryer, which kinda sounds like a backwards Stephanie Meyer.

So in short, I sometimes feel like I'm a younger Stephanie Meyer. We have many similarities, and few differences.

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