Saturday, March 28, 2009

An Adventouras Remake!

Now right now it's very early, and I spent most of last night awake( I wasn't feeling well). I did use some of my time to write down some ways to redue A Girl's adventure. Now I know that I can't get too focused on my remake because I know I gotta focus one The Tales of Fantasogra, and possibly Teen World( which is just a book I have to write for Girlscouts). Well last night I knew that I had to change some parts about A Girl's adventure. Here is a list of some of the stuff I plan to change:

1. Make characters older. Ariel( who used to be 13, which was how old I was when I wrote the book) will now be 16. Sophie will now be 15(she used to be 10), and Lily will now be 18(I think this is not a change, because I think Lily was always 18).
2. Possible change main man's name( cause Matt's original name was suppost to be Desmond but my sister didn't like the name, so we changed it to Matt)
3. Get rid of the whole Flashlight tag thing( Sorry Lauren, it just gotta go).
4. Make it make sense why Lily's parents have a map to the city of gold( I'm thinking FBI, and DO NOT STEAL MY IDEA!)
5. make the characters go to Brazil rather than Australia(they go there in the original book)
6. No more battle scenes, except when I really need them
7. change title to something more mature( definitly make font smaller. The original font side was this big!).

Ok now that I've given you some info on a possible remake(I've never made a remake before) I hope that I will continue to focus on The Tales of Fantasogra, rather than getting distracted by the remake. On the non-distracting side I'm getting closer to getting The Diary book published! Horray! I just can't wait to actually get published, and knowing that I'm a teen it might get some actual attention! Though I'm not getting my hopes up, because getting published is a very hard thing. It takes a lot of time, patience, and a very good mind. I'll keep you guys updated, and I might post a chapter of the original Adventure story before I remake it.

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