Thursday, March 26, 2009

Perfect guys= boring people

ok so when I was writing William( who was supposed to be the perfect prince) I noticed that his character was the most boring to write. I mean he was perfect in my eyes. He was handsom, strong, brave, and royalty. Every girls dream, but he was a very boring character.
Nothing barely happened to him personally except his brother died( though I have to say I thought Trevor actually had personality and flaws).
William does have mood swings, and does end up becoming king in the end of The Talking Cake. His story does end like every other fairy tale. He wins the girl, and the kinddom and live happily ever after. YAWN! How come there are barely any fairy tales there the hero dies and the villian prevails.
You know what would be a good book idea. It would take place in the point of view of a sidekick, who when the hero is killed he(or she) finds itself suddenly expected to save the world( which is a very commonly played theme). Maybe have the sidekick be a slender, shy person rather than a dashing, muscle-bound hero with great hair.
There aren't any normal heroes any more. There are just gorgeous, shirtless guys who save princesses and end up living happily ever after. People are seeing heroes as handsome men in tights flying around taking young women into the sky. People don't see that real heroes are just like everybody else, and most don't have gorgeous hair and never end up saving a gorgeous lady in the end. Why can't more fairy tales be like that? Include normal men rather than drop-dead gorgeous ones who the author try to say are normal.
Though some authors have tried that, and most succeed. Though most fairy tales are still stuck on the idea of handsome princes saving weak girls. Not all girls are weak. Why can't there be a story about a princess who has to save the prince. That would be a very interesting story.
Well I gotta go, I have Spanish to study for and it is super boring.

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