Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My first post about my blog

My name is AM(my initials). I'm a normal 14 year old in suburban USA. Now most people see me as a "different" person. The person who is always writing during her free time, and doesn't have many friends. Though I have friends outside of school( Girl scouts), I find myself always been drawn into the world of writing.
Ever since I wrote my first real book The Talking Cake I've fallen in love with writing. Though I had to learn from my mistakes( cough cough The Talking Cake), and I'm trying to write a more.
The Talking Cake was probably my biggest failure ever. It had cheap, cheesy comedy, and the appopriate audience is not there. I mean it has cheesy fantasy, but violent battles. Plus I kinda used some comedy from tv shows I saw, and kinda mixed it in. Plus it is only 198 pages because I used huge font size.
My last book which is called The Diary of a Lipgloss Addict( once again the abriviation) I feel is publishing worthy. I actually thought of getting The Talking Cake published but I noticed how bad it was(and what a high chance that they won't publish it because of it's cheesiesness).
The Diary of a Lipgloss Addict is mainly about a young teen's(I find it very easy to write about teen girls like me) life is effected by underage violence, dating, and secrets. I noticed that it is WAAAAAAAAY more mature than the Talking Cake.
The Talking Cake was( I think) mainly focused on the younger age, while The Diary of a Lipgloss addict is meant for teens. It includes such topics as Teen pregancy, drugs, dating, gangs, grades, and girl fights. Plus it kinda swears a lot. I had to make it as different from The Talking Cake as possible. Even though I fear my parents will think it is too mature
Though I plan to have The Diary, and my new book called The Tales of Fantasogra published. I will be telling all of my viewers(if there are any) about the writing process and maybe even some book spoilers.
- AM
ps: Anybody notice how most of Zoey Deans books are advertising herself. Though Carol Marsh is the queen of advertising herself and writing cheap, unrealistic fiction. Anybody know what you call it when a real person participates in a fiction book?

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