Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Unfortunatly you have to learn when you read this

Ok due to the fact that it's late and I don't want to write a really long thing about a certain thing that bugs me(that's for tommarow!) I got some info on Fiction writing. Note: I found this on a website, so it's not mine

Plot is the organization of events that will take place in the story.
Characters are the people or animals who will be in the story.
Setting is the physical time and place in which the story takes place.
Dialogue is the spoken words of the characters in the story.
Point of view is the relative identification of the narrator with the characters.
Theme is the main idea or meaning behind a story.
Style is the writer's use of the language.

Be specific in your writing. The more specific the detail, the more real the story will seem to the reader.
The best fiction can come from the preposterous imaginations of writers who are good storytellers.
Becoming a skilled typist (on a word processor) is extremely useful to a writer.
Very few people make a living at writing fiction( aww to bad).
Revision is important. A writer can always do one more revision. At some point the writer has to stop revising and get the work published.
Show, don't tell( this is major).
Don't use clichés( damsel in distress, handsome prince, so far so good, ect)
The more detail in the story, the more interesting the story.
Revise, revise, revise, revise, . . .
Avoid author intrusion.
Write what you like to read.
Don't use exclamation points.
Use surprise and irony.
Avoid overused words( said, walked, ect)
Success breeds success. The more published you are, the easier it is to get published again.
Every word can be used appropriately somewhere in some story.
Don't tell what happened; recreate what happened.
The beginning of a story must be interesting. Readers can be lost on page one.

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