Thursday, March 26, 2009

The things you should consider to do when writing fiction

When you are writing fiction there are several things that you should never do. I made a list of things, most of whom are based off of things that happened to me while I was writing The Talking Cake,.

1. Don't make battle scenes in books longer than two chapters. Any longer and they will bore the audience
2. Do not make yourself a character( you can base characters off yourself but don't make it obvious). I had once allowed two of my cousins to be characters in my book( yes I used their names), and all of my sisters(including me). All it did was make it seem very cheesy and stupid. Though Carole Marsh does it all the time( she writers unrealistic books where her grandchildren and her are the characters)
3. Try not to make your characters too funny, or too handsome, or too perfect. They will seem unrealistic. People like it when a character seems perfect but they are hiding major flaws. Remember it is easy to write unrealistic characters, but it is easier to write their flaws.
4. DO NOT use comedy from tv shows, movies, or other books. Even if you change it, it is still called plagerism
5. try not to make sci fi, and fantasy books( mainly realistic fiction) take place too far in the future but not too close to current times. Except in some cases like in diaries
6. If you are writing fiction(expecially ones with magical creatures, fictional countries) try to balance out the reality( real places) and fiction. You can do either all fantasy( no sign of any realistic places), or a realistic fiction( a mixture of fantasy and reality)
7. Try to keep your characters close to home. That means to not have them go from one place to another place which is million of miles away in one chapters. In TC the characters went from Virginia to Ireland to Azerbeijan to England to Nohavia( a fictional place) in only a couple chapters. It confuses the audience
8. Long, inteligent words are good. Use them with a character you would imagine to say those stuff. Like a dumb person wouldn't say "Your mind is very agile". basicly use smart words with smart people, and dumb words with dumb characters.
9. Try to avoid the common story lines. For example: Boy-meets-girl-and-they-get-married, or Teen-has-to-defeat-overlord-from-taking-0ver-the-world. Those are commonly played themes and if you use those(without making MAJOR differences) your book will just drown in the sea of other books who did that theme.
10. Have one set audience! Some of the books I wrote kept flipping ideal audiences. Some chapters were kid-friendly while other chapters were meant for adults. Pick your audience and stick to it!
Now there are many things you should consider when you are writing a fiction book. Like beware of the boy-friend! I hope you use this imformation to help write great books and not write books like The Talking Cake. Just remember to never put yourself in a fiction story.

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