Saturday, March 28, 2009

Love: The foundation of any writing

Ahhh love. It's the most beautiful thing to write and experience. I myself have written many tales of romance in my book. From the classic tales of a Prince falling in love with a peasent, to a shy guy who dates a rich, popular girl. Though romance can be either simple or hard to write( mostly depending on what type of romance). I think that the two examples I gave of romance might shed some light on the common forms of literary romance.

Prince who falls in love with a peasent: Now in The Talking Cake a small part of it talks about two star crossed lovers who meet at the most random moment. Instantly they fall in love with eachother and promise to get married even though he is a prince. Their love grows as they encounter trolls, witches, and a lot of random plot twists. Though the story line of love at first sight, and not letting near death tear you apart is a common story line in most fairy tales. It is rarely used now a days because people like the common Slow Love storyline better.

Shy guy-popular girl: In the Diary book, Nancy slowly finds herself liking loner Justin( who she knows has a crush on her). Though she knows that since a gang is trying to kill her she could put Justin's life in trouble. Their love has their ups and downs, but it ends well(well for book 1) Now I think this catagory more goes undet the common Opposites love. Most people usually like to hear stories about two totally opposite people with different pasts suddenly falling in love. It usually ends well. This romance type is most commonly used in movie, and comedies.

Prince loves pauper 2: In The Talking Cake, Prince Trevor finds him both hating and loving Claire at the same time. It ends when Claire realizes her love for him after he is killed( unfortunatly I brought him back to life). I feel that this romance goes under the Love to hate you genre. It mainly focuses around two people who hate eachother but slowly start to love eachother.

Ok now I definitly gotta go to bed, and I hope that this post let you people know about the different forms of romance in literature.

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