Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My favorite and least favorite books

Favorite (in no particular order):
1. The Hunger games: The plot was interesting/addicting, the characters were likable, and it always kept me guessing. This film should 100% be made into a film. I would soo see it
2. Graceling: The main heroine kicks ass! I always love a strong female lead rather than a weak little character who justs gets her ass kicked. Karsa (the main heroine) is awesome! She fights, plus she is anything but a Mary sue. She has the ability to kill people by touching them (and she hates it), she feels guilty for accidentally killing her cousin, she is disliked/feared the whole kingdom, and she is used as an executioner/torturer. I feel bad for her. Plus the plot is cool and is very interesting. I can't wait to finish it!
3. The Vampire diaries: It's everything Twilight should be. It's 1,000 percent way better than Twilight. It's definitely has a spot in my fave books

Least favorite( aka most hated books): This time in order of most hated to just normal hate
1. Charmed Forces: Read my older posts and you'll know why I hated this book. Two words: Mary-Sues
2. A tie between Zoey Dean's talent and Martin the Warrior: Your probably surprised that I put Martin the Warrior on the list. Personally I was lost the whole book. Zoey Dean's talent's problem is obvious. For one thing the author put her name in the freakin title (just like James Cameron). Looks like Zoey was desperate for attention (I bet Zoey is trying to say "HEY GUYS THIS IS MY TALENT! PLEASE READ THIS BOOK!). Other than the title this book was incredibly boring! I never got past chapter three before I was getting bored out of my mind! Plus it was kinda unrealistic: A 12 year old can pose as another 12 year olds agent and people actually believe her? Here are some unrealistic elements: The main heroines don't act like tweenagers, more like snobby, materialistic eighteen year olds. Most singing sensations aren't 12, most are 15+. Plus you need an agent and tons of experience rather than an authors easy way of forcing the story along. GOD I just hated this book. It pained me every time I read this book. Unlike Charmed Forces where I had the guts to finish the book, I never could finish this book. It was soo boring
3. Any of the books by Carole Marsh. God she sucks as an author. No time/thinking was spent writing these books (I'm guessing it took her less than two days to write each book). The characters are a toned down Mary sue (their flaws are meant to be cute), it has mixed messages. There are grammatical/spelling errors. The plots were unoriginal, and cliched. The only reason this is number three is because I enjoyed the books while reading them.
4. Oh my gods! The main heroine was a whiny brat who wasn't thankful for ANYTHING. I just wanted to go slap her across the face for being soo ungrateful. She can't accept defeat, and thinks she must be the best at everything. Whine whine whine, that's all she does.

You might have noticed that Twilight wasn't on my worst list. I didn't put this on my list because I really liked Twilight when I was reading it, and it still has a place in my heart (though that place is very small). The book isn't that bad that I have to put it on my worst list, but it is still pretty bad.

Books I enjoyed but aren't my favorite:

1. Lucky T: IDK why I liked this book. It was kinda funny to see this girls life fall apart when a t-shirt goes missing and go through the cliche 'coming of age' story
2. Gossip girl: I only read the books because it was a tv show, and I saw a couple other girls reading the books. Now even my mom is reading the books! Yes an adult is reading a book meant for teens.
3. Cross my heart and hope to spy: Just a cute book, nothing else
4. Song of the Sparrow: Ohh the joys of reading poetry about the King Arthur legends. It was a beautiful book.
5. The Lovely bones: This book made me sad...kinda. Some parts of the book were really good while other parts weren't
6. The Secret Life of a Teenage Siren: A Simon Pulse romantic comedy which once again was a clear fits into the category of 'wish fulfillment'. Think about it: the main heroine Roxy suddenly becomes this beautiful siren and has tons of guys fawning over her. She can use her magical abilities to get everything she ever wanted....yadda yadda yadda. I believe this wish fulfillment goes into the category of 'How I wished my childhood was like'. I mean most people usually do want to be beautiful at a young age and have tons of guys begging for you. Oh and soon I plan to write the most common categories of Wish Fulfillment. This book was basically a dumb read for me. Sure it had it's flaws, but at least I could imagine myself as Roxy and live out a fictional life of being drop-dead gorgeous, getting every material good I ever wanted, and having tons of guys fawn over me. Here's how my reaction was at the end of the book, "Ok so the book is over, everybody is better off.....seriously did anything actually get accomplished?"
7. The Virgin secretary's impossible boss: A couple months ago I was planning to write an article on Harlequin for this blog, and I felt like I had to actually read a Harlequin before I rip the company to shreds. So I went to Target and bought the most cliched Harlequin book I could find. This book had the two common stereotypes of Harlequin: a rich, handsome billionaire and a sensible virgin girl. I never actually finished it (I read a couple chapters, imagined it was me, and then skipped to the sex scene).

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