Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A preview review for the book Camp Confidential: Charmed Forces

I was at my local library today and I happened to stumble across the book Charmed Forces. After looking at the cover (which featured two half-naked, thin girls in a snowglobe jumping in the air as if they are on a commercial for Limited Too), and read the back summary for the book, I had a bad feeling this book would be crap. The summary was: The members of bunk 6B have been sworn into secrecy: Alyssa is in possession of a seemingly magical amethyst, and some pretty weird things beggin to happen. Ever since she found the purple stone on the campgrounds, she's been accurately predicting her bunkmates' futures and interpreting their dreams. Now she predicts that it will snow! *end of summary. literally that's how it ends*
When I first read that I thought, "Wow wish fulfillment". I instantly thought that this was the author living out her ideal vacation/adventure with her ideal friends. Plus from what the summary says, there is no conflict. Sure the girls finds a magical rock but where's the conflict. Predicting snow doesn't make a conflict. I put the book back on the shelf but was tempted to come back and get it just so I can see how horrible it was.

During the car ride I decided to flip through the book. For one thing: The font and spacing is very large (which sets off the illusion of a long book). The author quickly rushed into the girls finding the crystal rather than showing us the character's personalities. To me they all seem like identical perky, perfect teens (even though they act like 10-year olds). Once they find the crystal they aren't even that impressed. I mean if I found a amethyst I would be like, "HOLY COW I'M RICH NOW! THIS IS AWESOME", but the girls treat it as if they found a piece of granite. I'm guessing that the author was trying to speed through them finding the crystal, character development, and rising action and just jumped over to them getting their magical abilities.
Now onto the writing. I am personally surprised that this book was meant for teens. The book is written like it was by a 11-year old and is meant for kids 8-12. The book could have easily been put into the children section and kinda belongs there. How the heck did this get into the teen section!? It has no plot so far, the character's are bland,boring,unoriginal, Mary sues and stereotypical (the perky, perfect girls), and it is looks like something I would have written when I was 11! Now I haven't read the whole book yet, and this review is basically my first impressions. I plan to force myself to read the rest of this book just so that I can make a full review of this so-far bad book.
My predictions: When the plot finally comes, the girls will win some how and get everything they want. The villains (if there are any) will be mean and jealous of the heroines, and will lose in a very ridiculious way.
Now for my review of Impossible.

I was at my school's library and I had been waiting for the book Impossible to be free. When it was finally there I was soo excited to read it. The plot was:On the night of her prom, Lucy, 17, is raped by her date and becomes pregnant. She decides to keep the child, and she is supported by her foster parents and Zach, her childhood friend whose love for Lucy changes from platonic to romantic as the story progresses. The teen discovers the curse on the women in her family when she reads her birth mother's diary. Lucy is destined for madness at 18 unless she can perform the three impossible tasks described in the song and break the curse of the Elfin Knight. She is determined to rid herself and her unborn child of the curse, and her family and Zach help her as she works to solve the riddles. Sure it sounded pretty good.
So I started reading. The first 100 pages were just talking about how much Lucy hates her mom, how she's going to the prom, and a whole lot of worthless stuff. I thought, "Umm the action is bound to pick up". When Lucy got pregnant and learned that she had to complete impossible tasks, then I was like, "YEAH bring on the action!". The action never came. The rest of the pages were just talking about hos she doesn't want to go crazy if she doesn't do the tasks, how she loves her baby, and she needs to get married. I was just waiting for the action to pick up. It wasn't till the last 30 pages where we got some action. Coarse it was just the guy who came cursed her saying that he would just take away her curse if she married him. How anti-climatic! I was waiting for her to do the tasks, but she never did! She just had the guy who cursed her say he'll take the curse away. What a horrible ending! I found the book very boring, and the ending was very bad.

It is kinda funny how the book Impossible is way to slow in getting to the action, while Charmed Forces just rushes to the 'conflict'. Which is worse?

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Come check out my blog: hungergamesseries.blogspot.com!

    note: i LUV gossip girl too!
