Thursday, February 11, 2010

The top categories of Wish fulfillment

Every I mean every novel has some form of wish fulfillment in it. Here's a list of common categories of wish fulfillment in novels.

1. "How I wish my childhood/teenage years were like': most tween/teen romances tend to fall into this category. It is done when the author (who usually had a bad childhood) first images a version of herself but more perfect, and then surrounds herself with the friends she always wanted. Most authors then give their character great grades, have tons of guys like her, and have the character get everything she ever wanted. Examples: Charmed Forces (the author clearly was imagining herself as Alyssa, and the other girls are the author's friends she wished she knew), Zoey Dean's Talent (need I say more), Twilight (read my older posts), Fan fiction, and Oh My Gods (I guess the author wished she was a selfish bitch), The Diary of a Lip gloss addict
2. "How I wished my sex life was like": Authors of Harlequin and basically every romance novel do wish that they could live out the sex life that their character is living. Example: Harlequin, Twilight (again), Gossip Girl
3. "How I wished my life was in general": Some subcategories of this category include: "I just wanna be beautiful", "I just want to kick ass", "I just want to be wanted", "I just want to be rich", ect.

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