Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whose staying and whose going: Azerbaijan (Or whatever you call it) or Austin/Benjamin

In the original Talking Cake, the country known as Azerbaijan (which was unfortunately is a real country in a book with a bunch of fictional things in it), and two Irish guys named Austin and Benjamin. Only one (or two if you count the Irish guys)will make it into the remake (or is it reboot. I'll check and see whats the difference)). So which one is it? Lets first see how these characters/destination impacted the story, you know to see if the book can continue if the things were gone.

Azerbeijan: It was the home of the magical ruby which can break curses. Coarse I didn't really do my research and my portrayal of Azer-whatever is highly incorrect.

Austin and Benjamin: They were basicly only in the story just so I could give my two cousins a cameo. I've also noticed that some of my relatives were given unneeded cameos. Austin and Benjamin's role in the book was I guess to let the main characters that they are in Ireland (another example of a real country in a fictional universe. Fail), and as a limited time comic relief.

So which stays in the remake. *drum roll* The Azerbeijan thing. Though it will be renamed and finally fit the description that I made (more of a desert city). Sorry Austin and Benjamin, your characters were just unneeded cameos and nothing else. Oh and I found out that the new book is a remake. It will contain some of the elements of the original, but with some new stuff.
The next episode of Whose staying and whose going will be Daisy (our stereotypical damsell in distress whose main purpose was to be the love interest of Will) and the three witches (Carlisa is still going to be in the remake no matter what). Who wills tay and who will go?

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