Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Who stays and who goes: Daisy or the three other witches

In the Talking Cake original, Daisy serves a serious role (but that role kinda dwindles throughout the book until the end), anf the three witches were the villains. So who serves a greater role. The three witches (I'm not including Carlisa, because she is 100% going to be in the remake), or Daisy (our stereotypical damsel in distress). First lets see how each character impacted the story:

Daisy: The first part of the book, her only goal seemed to be just being with Will, and most of the time she was a damsel. Near the end was when she finally showed that she can kick ass (she killed Carlisa). My only problem with her is that she seemed too stereotypical, and didn't really help the story till the end

The 3 witches: Minerva, Drisela, and.....Laverna (I always forget their names) main purpose in the book was to make the fight even. You know 4 vs 4. I also made them so each of the heroes could kill a witch. Despite the fact that Carlisa was the youngest, she some how managed to have leadership over the group.

So who stays? The stereotypical damsel who really didn't help the story, or the three witches who were only purpose was to let each of the heroes kill one. The person(s) who will go to the remake is....Daisy! Yah the only evil witch (god that's cliche) will be Carlisa, even though she really was the only villain in the original and the others were kinda more like henchmen than actual villains.

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