Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Unfortuntly for all you die hard readers out there, this post won't be all about reading. Well might as well start talking at reading. To be a author you can't just be good at writing. You must read. Now when your writing a book it is VERY helpful to actually read. Now most people know this. So let's say that you are writing a romance you should read some romance books because it lets you know how other authors write romance and it can hopefully give you tips on how to write yours. There can't be a good author without being a good reader

Ok now to move onto a small section about the Talking Cake(yes that book). During Lunch I was thinking about that book. You see during my Young Writers club I started to talk about how the Talking Cake sucked( bad writing, TOO HUGE font size, and bad cover). I always thought that I could possibly remake the Talking Cake but get rid of some stuff. So I spent all of my Lunch thinking of ways that I could do to possibly remake it. So here is a excerpt of that long list
1. Only one villian( there was four, and it was hard to manage them all. Which included giving them an equel amount of lines)
2. No Azerbaijan( In a couple chapters they are heading to Azerbaijan, and it was just too weird to have them traveling from one place to another)
3. No more Will and Daisy( sorry people but it's hard to write all these main characters. Plus Daisy doesn't really help the plot till the end, and Will is kinda just there because he looks good)
4. No more Austin and Benjamin( they are my cousins who I let them have a MAJOR cameo through out the book, and even made them semi-main characters. I just think it's weird to have real people that you know personally in your book)
5. No more real people cameos( I actually made my sisters, and I characters. I even thought about making my dad a character. Like OMG!)
6. All fiction( it switching between the fantasy and reality realm too much. I mean in the end of the novel it turns out that Septleford turns into Virginia. It really made no sense)
7. NO CAKE!( It was stupid, cheesy, and I wanted to get rid of it from the start. But everybody was like "Ohh it's soo cute, use it!")
8. No more Maldovians( they were a race of humans who were bad. They don't really help the plot, but they do make a cool secondary villian)
9. No magic sword( a object which was supposed to have great importance but I never emphasized on it in the book. Basicly something that was supposed to be major, but I forgot about it and didn't edit it out)
10. No more "To be continued"( that was at the end of every part, and it sounds really cheesy)
11. Have one set audience( the Talking Cake was constantly switching from kid to teen in between chapters)

Now that list has 27 things on it and counting. I don't want to remake the Talking Cake because I'm getting tired of writing battles, and romance. I plan to when I finish writing the Fantasogra book to try a whole new genre. Maybe even a mystery, or a sci fi. Anything but romance, because I'm bored of it. Well have a great week and I'll be posting the next chapter of the City of Gold book soon.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Organizing your books

*sigh* yes you sooner or later have to organize your books. I used to have a large box of my old books( which included drafts, spare sheets of papers, timelines, and many Talking Cake copies). I then noticed that my box was getting stuffed to the max, so I decided to organise my books. I got rid of the drafts, spare sheets of paper, and most of the copies of the Talking Cake. I then got my old, and new books I organised them by Genre.
Organizing is very important because it helps you know where each of your books are(plus is gives you a lot of more space in your closet or whereever you keep your old books). Well it's late, and my next post is going to be about Reading(yes reading). Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Every book, play, and every bit of written work has a title. Whether it has nothing to do with the book or is of major importance. I still havn't picked out a title for the Fantasogra book. Well here are some easy steps to make a title:
1. Think of 3 or more words that you think summarizes your plot. For example if your book is all about a teen who has to save the fairies you can call it The Fairy Quest or The Fairy rescue
2. Capture your reader's attention
Picking out a title is very important because it is the first thing that a reader sees. Also you should have a good plot summary. For example the plot summary for the Fantasogra book is: A normal looking girl falls in love with a handsome prince who is destined to marry a beautiful girl in order to have his happily ever after.
Ok so it might be a common idea, but if you ever read it you'll know that it's different. Well have a good week!
Ps: Have a question for me? Just ask it as a comment and I'll reply. Have a great week!

Monday, April 20, 2009

My third post about Romance

"And they all live happily ever after". That's the most common phrase that I have ever heard. It has come to be know as the way that every fairy tale wants to end. When good triumphs over evil and the prince and princess live happily ever after. Sorry to break it to you guys but most romances don't end the whole "Disney ending" way anymore. I am actually thinking about having the Fantasogra book not end the whole happily ever after thingy. Just to interest you I managed to pull together a list of common Romance endings:
Romeo and Juliet(aka they all die): It's when the two lovers learn that they can't be together while they are living, or one of them dies. The grief striken lover then kills him(her)self in order to not live a life without their lover. Basicly they love eachother soo much that they would kill themselves to be together. Awwwwwwww :'(
One survives: when only one of the lovers survives and the other one either kills themself or learns to move on
True love is close to you: The girl(or boy) realizes that the person they think they are in love with( usually a hot girl or boy) turns out to be nothing more than a user( or something bad), and they find out that they actually love their close guy(or girl) friend.
Happily Ever after: yawn. Basicly it's just the hero wins the girl and they live happily ever after. The problem with this is just that it's what everybody expects, and if it ends that way then you'll just bore the audience. Only use this ending if you are writing a romance for kids

Now those aren't the only endings, there are possibly thousands more that I don't know. My next post will be about Book Titles. Unfortunatly I have not picked a title for the Fantasogra book( and no I don't plan to call it The Tales of Fantasogra, or the Fantasogra book). Have a good week!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Social class: which one are you in?

"Tiffany walked through the hall with her long, smooth black hair flowing behind her. All off the kids eyed her with beady eyes and the guys heart thumped faster in the sight of her beauty. Soon over twenty kids started crowding around her desperatly wanting to talk to her. They all had one goal: Become friends with Tiffany so they can be popular"
That was an example of the popularity group in school. Now this post is only for people who write books about social status. For example: In the Fantasogra book, the country of Fantasogra society is split into two group:The Chosen ones(who was drop-dead gorgeous) and the Normal ones( everyday looking people, normal looking people).

Though most societys aren't as strict as the Fantasogra book when it comes to social classes. In the Fantasogra book everything good goes to the Chosen ones. The good medication goes to the Chosen ones and they are given mega mansions, and are allowed to party all the time. Plus it is illegal for a Chosen one to get arrested or be in any sort of crimanl trouble. In Fantasogra it is perfectly legal for a Chosen one to kill a Normal one.
Ok off my book, there are mainly three social groups:

The Popular and the Rich: Those are the ones who are very popular and very rich. They are usually the antagonist of most teen novels
The middle class: They have some friends and live the life of a normal person in middle class America. I kinda fit into that group(when I'm not in school).
Outcasts: Have few friends and mostly like to be alone. They are common protagonists in teen novels. It usually ends when they gain a larger social status

I know you might be surprised that I am talking about social classes when this blog is clearly about writing. I feel that when you are writing a teen book you should be well aware of the common social classes. My next post will be about the common Romance endings( I have to admit I just love to write about Romance). Have a great week and wish my luck because the CRCT is tomorrow!

The Talking Pie

I once again searched in a old box full of stuff from my sister's past. That's when I found the true inspiration for the Talking Cake. The Talking Pie. Lucky for my sister she got the Talking Pie put in the local library for a year, so this is the original copy that was in the library. Unlike the other books that I put online I will not be editing them.
Yes I have been editing some of the books(mostly spelling, gramattical and I added some details in). Here's the Talking Pie:

Once upon a time there was a girl who made pumpkin pies. Her name was Sarah. She sold ever one. But one last pie was left. It could talk. She said "hi" to the pie. The pie said back "hi" to the girl. Sh was amazed. The pie was talking! "Oh my gosh" she said. "I will never eat you. I'll never hurt you". The pie said "Do you want to be my friend?".
Sarah replied "sure". Sarah then cheered "I will make you a muffin for you". The pie said "ok". The muffin was done. "delicious" the pie said. He then added "Thank you". One rainy day they went to the park. They found a red diamond. "Ohh" they said. It's from a ghost. "Let's let the class have it, pie" Sarah said. The pie looked at the diamond and said "I do not like to give it up Sarah". "You will give it up". They looked down and saw a message. "I wonder what it says?".
The message said " 123 ghosts haunt this diamond".
Then suddenly they heard someone yell behind them "Boo!". Sarah and the cake cried "AHH". The diamond fell out of their hands. Then poof the ghost went away. And the diamond was gone. That ghost took the diamond and ate the pie.
The End

Well the Talking Cake definitly doesn't have ghosts and the red diamond is actually a ruby now. Plus the cake never gets eatten. Plus I replaced the name Sarah with Claire. When you are writing a remake it is best to read over the original book first, because I never did look at the original book. My sister just told me about the book and I just started writing. Have a great week!

Another fast fiction by my sister

I was searching through an old box which had stuff from my sister and I's kindergarden and 1st grade year. Then I found this really old story by my sister which is called Luna. I have to admit it is a kinda interesting title. Here is the book:
One rainy day, Luna took a walk on Mars. It was a dark night and the stars twinkled like tiny gemstones in the darkness. She was glad that she had eyes to see with. Suddenly she heard a sound. It was her mom yelling "Luuunnna! Come home for dinner". Luna ran as fast as she could. When she got home it was her favorite dinner, mooncheese soup and mooncheese pie. Yummy! The End

Now recently I've been running out of ideas for posts, so I've just been finding old stories to post online. Well my next post is going to be the ORIGINAL version of the Talking Cake called the Talking Pie, and I may talk about the major differences between the two. Have a great week!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I found my FIRST mystery

I was reading Twilight for the third time when my mom came in with a bunch of old books. One happened to be called: Mystery of the stolen props. It was made in 2006(which was two years before the Wax museum book). Here is the plot summary of the stolen props:
Detective Cold is given a case to solve, it is of a bunch of props stollen from a theatre. He arrives and the owner of the place tells him to talk to actress Betty Mcquire, and the fired prop designer named Tom Amerigo. Cold talks to Tom and Tom refuses to answer question and states that he wants the theatre to close. Betty says that she saw a person enter the prop room and never leave.
Cold then finds a secret passage in the prop room and finds a small slipper which was supposidly missing. Cold goes back to the owner and the owner says that the nearbye antique store owner had wanted some of their props because they were old. Cold then realizes that Tom Amerigo must have found the secret passage and stollen the props. Tom is arrested and the play goes on. The ending says that Tom had escaped from jail and that was supposed to lead into a sequel(which I never made)

That was my first mystery and believe me it is kinda good. Though it was predictable and it was basicaly one paragraph. Oh and please comment. Have a good week!

A secret look into the covers of my books

I thought that I better reward you all for being so nice by showing you the covers of my old novels.

The Talking Cake: If you can tell I used photos of numberous celebrities and real places to make the cover. I not believe that you should not use celebrities in book covers

Diary 0f a Lipgloss addict: I think that this is one of my better covers. Ranking number 2 on my best cover list. My best cover is something Talking Cake related

Monkey from Outerspace: . This is what I call a Mash Cover. I basicly got a bunch of images and combined them together

Against the Black Night: The book was supposed to be about the Talking Cake but from Claire's point of view. I like this book cover the most because it reminds me of those classic romance novel covers.
Those are some of my covers and I can post some more later.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fonts: Resist the temptation

Imagine this: I was easily writing the Talking Cake and I was just about to write the famous words "And they all lived happily ever after", when I noticed something. The book which I had desperatly hoped to be longer than 180 pages turned out to be only 114. I had promised myself that I would write a book longer then 180 pages. I didn't want to add stuff in, so I did the thing that most authors did. My eyes scrolled slowly to the little button that read "Font Size". I knew somewhere deep in my head that making the font larger would basicly be lying about the lengh of my book. Though I was so bent on the idea of telling people that my book was longer than 180 pages that I changed the font from 12 to 18. Sure enough the 114 pages turned into 198 pages!

Now when I look at my book now I realize that I cheated myself into believing that I wrote a uber long book, even tohugh it was only 114. People believed me when I said I wrote such a long book, though inside I knew that it was just a small book which had been given steroids. My personal message to authors is that using the MASSIVE fonts wont get you anywhere. Sure it makes your book look longer but all agents and publishers only accept font size 12(possibly 13). Have a great week!

Twisting Fairy tales

In this society most people find out that poking fun at most of the traditional fairy tales is a quick way to a story. I've actually am working on a book which parodies most fairy tales. For example: The Swan princess was for dinner to the King and Queen of Fantasogra, and the Little Mermaid is being kept as a pet. Luckily most of the parodies aren't as dark as the swam princess being eaten. The princesses are taught how to be damsel in distresses, and how to look pretty. Even some Normal folk are taught to be villains.

Now a days everybody can put their own twist on fairy tales. Some authors usually attempt to write fairy tales of their own. For example: My original intention was to have the Talking Cake be a fairy tale but it got to messed up that it had over 6 genres. They were romance, action, adventure, fantasy, suspense, and comedy. Now a days I try to limit it down to only one or two major genres.
Have a great week!

A book review by AM

Being a writer also means that you have to read. And believe me I read A LOT! I once had this phase when I used to read the Carole Marsh Mysteries. After finally getting to my sense I managed to write a succesfull review for the Carole Mysteries. Here is a review for the book
Mystery at Disney World
When I first read the Disney world book I instantly noticed that it was going to be the worst novel I ever read. Here are my simple reasons
1. It was so cheesy to make REAL people take part in fictional stories
2. Carole Marsh was SOOOO advertisting herself. I mean is it odd when she says " And they took out their Carole Marsh Mysteries watch". Sounds like somebody is desperate to get attention
3. The plot was stupid, predictable, and totally unrealistic. I mean what criminal would give obvious clues to their whereabouts? Stupid ones I guess
4. What person would let kids ages 7-13 travel alone in Disney World? No wonder they were kidnapped. I expect that Carole Marsh must be a bad grandparent. It gives the bad message to kids that they can wander off in heavily populated places and easily get back home without a scratch.
My warning to anybody who seeks a good mystery is to avoid these books and go for the Nancy Drew series, Hardy Boy, or anything BUT the Carole Marsh Mysteries.

Now I personally despise the Carole Marsh Mysteries, and I hope to add more reviews later on. Have a great week.

How to succesfully base a character off a real person

I've had my bad experiences with basing characters off of real people. Now almost all authors have based characters or events off of real events or people in their life. I myself had based most of my original characters off of people I knew. First I will be giving you a quick list of characters I wrote and who they are based off of
Nancy: Now most main characters I usually base off of myself
Claire: This was actually based off of Keira Knightley. I just got that mental image of Keira as Claire and I stuck by it
Will: I based it off of my ideal prince

When I was writing the City of Gold book I unfortunatly told a friend of mine that the character Lily was based off of her. The problem with that is that it sounds both creepy and usually ends with that person obsessing with the fact they have a character based off of them. My rules for basing a character off a real person is simple:
1. Do not tell the person that a character is based off of them
2. Base it off them loosely and try not to make it obvious
I broke the first law today when I told PM that the character Maggie kinda acts like her several times in the book. Well have a great week and please visit the Ilovegaryclub.blogspot.com. Please.

A special message from AM and PM

Hey it's AM and PM, and once again we are asking you to subscribe to the I love Gary Club. It's easy and it will make both of us very happy. Please people, we have no subscribers. Have a great day, and once again Gary said hi.
-AM and PM

Ps: For all you writers who just go to this blog for the whole writing thing and don't personally care about my advertising: More writing related posts will be online soon.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Update on the Fantasogra book

This is going to be a new segment that I will do once everybody. It will basicly being telling what I have finished writing in the Fantasogra book. This is what happened today:
1. Charles sends a letter via Griffon to Allison asking to see her.
2. Allison goes to school early to see the Chosen ones partying and passing out one by one
3. Elizabeth once again shows what a selfish, spoiled b!tch she is. Elizabeth believes that beauty gets you everything including love.
4. Elizabeth trys to convince Charles that he loves her. Stating "I'm beautiful and your handsome, we're perfect together."
Here is the plot so far from beggining to star:
1. Allison goes to school, and talks about the Fantasogra system of Chosen Ones and Normal one(or Normal folk)
2. Allison sees Elizabeth Belle who is the most popular and prettiest girl in school. Elizabeth was voted Most likely to be locked in a high tower.
3. At lunch Anya( a chosen one) freaks out over a bug and the characters Adam, and Zach are introduced
4. Allison walks home and while walking through the Ogre Forest( which is the only path that is allowed to the Normal ones) she is nearly hit by a carriage( which has Elizabeth and Charles inside)
5. Allison and Charles are forced to life the carriage after it tips over. Charles talks to Allison possibly over sheer pity about nearly killing her. He calls her pretty, and Elizabeth hears
6. It skips over to Elizabeth's point of view and it mainly focuses on her obsessing about the fact that Charles calls Allison pretty. Oh and Charles goes back into the woods to find Allison
7. Allison talks with Charles and she feels like Charles may like her... continues on to top of page

That's whats happening so far and I plan to keep you all updated! Have a great week!

Deleted scenes: Keep them!

In my writing life I've gotten rid of many scenes from my books. But right when I start to imagine the day that I become famous, I would like to have those scenes back. Why you ask? To sell the original copy of my book with the deleted scenes. You know to make money.
Now I've had many scenes that I deleted from my books. Here is some stuff I deleted from my book that I havn't told anybody else.
Diary of a Lipgloss addict deleted scenes:
1. There were numberous scenes in the Diary book where Nancy dated Garret and he kissed her. Reason for deletion: It didn't help the plot, and I wanted the book to mainly about Justin and Nancy rather then Nancy and Garret.
2. There was a chance that Justin was the father of Maggie's baby. Reason for deletion: I didn't want to have too much going on. I wanted J and N's relationship to mainly be based off of Nancy's problem with a gang
3. During chapter 5 there was a major food fight which was supposed to get Nancy in trouble(again). Reason for deletion: Once again it didn't help the plot
Talking Cake deleted scenes:
1. The curce was supposed to be broken with the ruby and the Sleeping Rose of Nohavia. I just took out the Rose thingy. Reason: It would make them go more places and make it even more confusing, and it would drag on more. I had to get to the climax fast.
2. Daisy was supposed to die. Reason: Daisy's my favorite character, and I felt that I had to get rid of a loved character. So I got rid of Trevor. Well I thought he was liked, I don't know for sure.

The Fantasogra book:
1. There was supposed to be a chapter from the point of view of Charles. The chapter was basicly just Charles stating how much he hates Elizabeth and a couple parts of him sending a letter to Allison asking to see them alone. Reason for deletion: I had a feeling that it would get too confusing if the book was constantly changing point of views. Now the book only takes place from the point of views of Allison and Elizabeth
2. Allison was supposed to become the next fairy godmother and takes away the happily ever afters of Elizabeth and everybody who wronged her. Reason for deletion: I liked the idea of a Normal person dating a real prince( who is supposed to marry Elizabeth who is the prettiest girl in school).
Now I have a lot of deleted scenes, but you might have noticed that the Fantasogra book has only a few changes, but those changes are major. Have a good week!

Everybody has limits

Everybody has limits to their writing. Whether somebody belives that their limit in writing is to kill off a main character. Personally I crossed my limits( which was only boy/girl relationships) and I found it felt very weird to write. For some people crossing your limits is a good thing. It helps them explore new territories and hopefully find that they are good at the stuff they once fear. While for others it is a terrible experience and they choose to stay within their limits.

My personal tales of crossing my personal writing limits began when I was writing the Talking Cake. My motto was once "Heroes always win and they never die". I knew that I had to make a real shocker climax. So I looked through my main four characters and had to decide which one to pick off. I unfortunatly decided that I was to kill off Trevor(who happened to be the youngest character at age 16). Right when I wrote that into the story my limits were broken. I had almost no limits and I did everything.
In the Diary of a Lipgloss addict I wrote about teen pregnancy, drugs, gangs, alchohol, abandment, scandal, and teenage sex. I knew that I crossed the limit when I wrote book three all about Nancy and Jeminy. Yes they started dating and right when I wrote this one page( hint hint it's about the song I kissed a Girl) I knew that I had to go back to my original limits.

Now I still kill of characters, but I don't cover the naughty topics. That's why I believe that I went back to childrens fiction. In childrens books you always make it kid friendly and you don't have to worry about it being too naughty or too kid friendly. It is neutral. I plan to work on my childrens books for a long time and possibly go back to Teen fiction later on.
I love the comments you guys have been writing. You guys are soo nice. Have a great week!


Everybody writes comedy here or there. It makes the book amuzing to read. My only rule for writing comedy is to NEVER USE COMEDY FROM ANOTHER BOOK, TV SHOW, OR MOVIE NO MATTER HOW FUNNY IT IS. It's plagerism. Even is you change the words it's still plagarism. Also when your writing comedy don't make comedy that is only funny to one type of person, make it funny to everybody.
Well have a great week, and hey this is my 60th post. :) That's way more posts then my last blog(that only had 36 posts). Keep commenting

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chapter three of Race to the City of Gold

Here is chapter three. Be free to comment.

Chapter 3

It had been a day since they were first kidnapped. It was already 8:00 AM. The girls were hungry and scared. They knew that they would probably never get out. Ariel sobbed,
“I had no idea I would die like this. Trapped in a room with only Lily and Sophie. That’s any kid’s worst nightmare”
Lily, who was too busy trying to unlock the door, said, “I think I might be able to get us out”
She then started using her pocket knife as a key, and then she heard the most beautiful sound ever. A click. The clicking of a door unlocking. She then slightly opened the door, and saw that it was unguarded. She then motioned for Ariel, and Sophie. The girls then crept out of the room, and then raced out of the place thankfully unnoticed. Then they were in the parking lot. The girls hid behind a large trash bin because it was guarded by Leo and a couple other men.
Lily then eyed a small, blue car which she thought could help them escape. She then heard Leo say to the other guards, “I think this area is secure, I can probably handle it”. The other guards then left, leaving Leo alone. Lily thought that she could easily take Leo out and make it to the car.
She then slowly crept towards him with her pocket knife in hand. Though she knew that a small pocket knife could not take out a six foot tall guy who obviously works out. She was about to jump on his back and yell at Ariel to get the car, when Leo spun around and grabbed her. Lily yelled, “Let me go!”. He didn’t, and she knew that she was done for. Lily then sobbed, “Please don’t kill me. I just want to go home. My parents are probably worried sick, and if they found out that I was killed they would be heartbroken. Plus if they heard that I died from a terrorist group then it would be even worse”. Leo, who had not wanted to be a terrorist in the first place, let her go and said, “Fine, but you and your friends get out of here fast. And take this”.
He then took out of his pocket a crumbled up piece of paper. The map! Mr. Jeffery’s had given him the map because he trusted him. Lily was shocked that Leo was actually helping her. He then handed her some shiny silver keys and said that he could take his car. His car was a shiny, blue car which was very fast. Lily then hugged Leo, and jumped into the car. She then thanked Leo, and sped off. Leonard then raced to get out of the scene. Sweet freedom!

Mr. Jeffery‘s then was about to go into the room where the girls are being held. When he saw that they had escaped he went irate! He yelled and demanded that they catch the girls. Worse part was that he found out that they had “stolen” the map from Leo. One of his assistants said, “ They are probably hours away. We should just drop the mission ”
Mr. Jeffrey then barked, “ No we could make millions off of this. Not millions more like billions. We could lose all of that money all because they got the map! Get any car that is fast enough to get them!”. The others then rushed off and a couple of men got into a red Ferrari. They then rode off after them.
Meanwhile, Lily was holding tight to the steering wheel as were cheering that they had escaped. “We can finally go home and forget this ever happened” Sophie kept saying over and over again. Lily looked through her rear window and saw a small red dot in the distance. Ariel looked out the window and saw it was a red car. It was gaining up fast and at first she didn’t worry.
As the car quickly got close to them. Ariel could clearly see somebody take out a large gun and fire it at them. The shot scared Lily and caused her to swerve a little. They approached a sharp turn at a steep cliff. The red car was right next to them. Lily tried to ran her car into the other, which caused both of them to swerve.

They were only inches away from the cliff and it was hard to concentrate with the gunshots. Ariel then rolled down the window, only to see the red car was only inches away from her. She screamed and ducked. The Ferrari then rammed into the girls, and Lily steered the car right into the car. It then spun around in circles, till it came to a screeching halt. Then the girls heard gunshots, but none of them hit the car. Soon they were far away from the horrible place, and the red Ferrari. They were finally free.
Have a good week!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thanks for the award Weston Elliot!

I'm soo happy to have this award and I love you all. Your soo encouraging and supportive. You guys rock!

I solved the mystery of the lost book!

After searching my mom's computer for the 5th time, I managed to find my sister's book! Yah! I thought that what better way to show how happy I am then to post her book online. Well here it is:

Long ago in a far away land lived a beautiful princess named Katia. She was known far and wide for her great beauty. She had long brown hair which shined like a diamond in the sunlight. Her large green eyes enchanted everybody in their path and her body was small and curvy. Her father constantly boasted on how beautiful she was and how she was the most beautiful girl on Earth.
One day her father came to her room and asked her, “ My dear Katia, Many men had asked your hand in Marriage. You have refused the offers of all of them. Prince James came yesterday with promises of piles of gold, and land as far as the eye can see. Yet you refuses. I've decided that I might as well pick a husband for you, and I have found one!”
Katia was not surprised with her father’s choice. She never wanted to marry. She loved the life as a young maiden and didn't want to be given away to a prince so she could serve him. She would rather run in the fields then cook for a prince. She would rather read all day then have sons for the prince. Katia sai " But Papa, none of the princes are good for me. None of them have the qualities of a real prince. They aren't nice, brave, smart, and handsome. Will you please stop this non stop marriage thingy. I am 16. I'm way too young”.
Her father was very disappointed and demanded her to marry soon. Katia hissed, "You can't sell me and I will never marry anybody I don't love."
Katia was aggravated by her father and marriage. She then ran to her room and slammed the door shut.
That night , she called for her good friend Eric to come to her room. Eric secretly in love with her. What was not to love about Katia? She was beautiful, nice, smart, and adventouras. Eric said to Katia “I agree with you, you should pick your husband.” Katia said back to him “At least you understand. Papa would never let me marry whom I chose to me my husband”
Eric sighed and looked at Katia. Katia proudly said " Well tommaro I’m gunna find out who my new husband is. Wish me luck Eric".
Eric then whispered to Katia “ well if your looking for love I’m the guy your looking for!”
Katia laughed and said “ Eric, you’re my best friend. How could I marry you?” Eric said “ oh fine, is it because I’m not a prince?” Katia said “ well…. It’s because I’m not really into guys like you.” Eric said “ please I really like you.” Katia said “ hmmmm, I have a idea. I’ll marry you if you promise to finish the Odyssey book to me!” Eric smiled , then he hugged Katia. The next day while Katia was getting ready for the wedding, She thought of all of the fun times she and Eric had together. Then she knew that she really loved him. Then the wedding started. After they both said “ I do” and kissed. They danced slowly, and they realized their deep love for each other. Eric asked Katia “so do you still want me to finish the book?” Katia said “ ohh you don’t. I think I really love you inside.” And they all lived Happily ever after

Ok so it is basicly the idea of Princess-marries-best-friend-rather-then-wealthy-prince-and-they-live-happily-ever-after. I have to admit that it is kinda uncreative, but she is a good writer. I gotta force her to write more. Have a good week!

My graveyard of forgotten books

This is a sad post because it keeps reminding me of all the books I never finished. I am writing this post because I decided to stop writing a new book(which was soo young that I never made a title for). It was supposed to be about the First Daughter of the United States who finds herself in an abusive relationship. I stopped doing the book a couple minutes ago, and I'm trying to focus only on the Fantasogra book. Until I finish the Fantasogra book then I will TRY to not write any more books. I mean I'm getting good stuff from that book.
A chapter is getting published, and I might talk to my local library to have it shown there. Here is my list of forgotten novels

1. Inside the Talking Cake: It got pretty far but once I realized how cheesy it was I stopped it. That's a book that I don't plan to continue
2. The Roseseed Grand: When three teens try to save a struggling restaurant. I got to 40 pages, but I got distracted with the Diary of a Lipgloss addict series. Plus I just get bored of writing it
3. Untitled Presidental novel: First Daughter of the United States who finds herself in an abusive relationship. It was good, even though I worried that it sounded too much like First Daughter(that movie).
4. Teen World: It is 2036 and everybody over the age of 21 catches a virus which makes them act like toddlers. So the world is being ruled by the teens. My problem with that book was just it was to boring to write, and I'm not good at writing books about guys. I'm more of a chick-lit writer
5. The Girlfriends Strike back: It was supposed to be the 4th book in the Diary series. Unfortunatly I just couldn't continue. That was the unfortunatle day that I lost my inspiration for the Diary series. That book was the true end to Nancy Bakers
6. Journey to the Fountain of Youth: supposed to be the sequel to Race to the City of Gold, but I just lost my inspiration. Unlike my other forgotten novels I feel like I can easily bring this book back to life and finish it. So far this book is in the death stage, but I can do an old Frankenstine thing and bring it back to life.
7. Anything for Fame: A novel where two celebrities fight it out for the cover of Pose Magazine. I need not say anything because I just am not good at writing fame
8. The Secret Author: A book which was supposed to be about writing. It focuses around a 12 year old girl who happens to be the author of the best-selling teen romance series called The Whisper though nobody knows she wrote. Personally I still want to write this book, but I just have to find time. So for now it is dead
9. Escape from Nethia: A group of teens try to escape from the fictional communist country called Nethia. I still want to continue writing this.
As you see I have many book idea that I never finished. Plus those books are the only unfinished books that are on my computer. More are on my alphasmart, on my mom's computer, and probably scattered around my house. Have a great week!
Ps: Where are you guys? You havn't been commenting lately.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I found my oldest book!

I searched in an old box and I found a book called The Haunted Christmas. It was written when I was only 7! Luckily I wrote it all down and here is the book(note it is only one page):

It was Christmas Eve, and that night I heard a noise from the Christmas Tree. It sounded like a ghost. I ran downstairs and I saw a scary shadow. It looked like a dragon. I turned the lights on and he was gone. How can he get away soo fast? That night I saw Santa. He was wearing a dragon mask to scare the kids away from seeing him. Boy that was a fun Christmas!

Ok so that is possibly my oldest book, unless I find a book from 1st and Kindergarden. Who knew that I wrote when I was seven. Though The Haunted Christmas is not my best book, and I'll keep searching for more of my books. Oh and I've searched around my house for any of my sister's books. Not going well so far. Have a good week!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My original story

Ever since I wrote the Talking Cake I always wondered what the first book I ever wrote was. I've searched many places, and usually come up with a couple old books I wrote. Though the mystery of what my first novel still haunts me. So I've gotten a list of several books that could be my oldest book.
Abducted by Aliens: An old book which mainly focuses around my sister and I. We are abducted by aliens and for some reason they are very nice to us. I don't think this is my oldest, but it possibly is my oldest typed out novel.
The ghost that wore grey( a cheap "animal remake"): Now this is very old based off of the handwriting and the fact that I used notebook paper. I expect that this is possibly my oldest novel, except I don't know for sure
Walking Through Time: a very old novel which might have been the longest one at the time. It mainly focuses around Andrea, and I who find out that when we sing we go back in time. Now for some reason back then I just loved putting myself in books. I've lost contact with Andrea and I personally have no clue where she is now. Based on the bad handwriting this is probably my oldest book, and I'de like to dedicate Walking Through Time to Andrea whereever she is.
Have a great week, unfortunatly I have to go back to school. >:(

The second annual book idea sale!

I'm back again and today's sale is all about sci fi and ghosts! I have everything from countries for sale to a land where all blondes are supposed to be stupid! Here is today's catologue:
1. In futuristic USA after a long war between the blondes, brunettes, and redheads, the USA is split into four counties: The Blonde states of America, the Brunette states of America, ect. America is divided by the common hair color sterotypes. Blondes are tought to be stupid and fashion crazy. Brunettes are tought to be geniuses, Red heads to be adventouras, and Black heads to be musicians and poets. When a smart blonde teen tries to teach a group of dumb blondes she suddenly finds out about strict people are about the whole Dumb Blonde thing.
2. America's economy has plummeted to the lowest in American history. The government then decides to do the only thing possible. They actually plan to sell states to the highest bidder. When two teens are forced to leave their home of Nevada, the teens rally up people from the USA who havn't been sold out as "Mandatory servents" to rise up against the government before all of the USA is sold
3. Madison Bess had moved into Dublin, Ireland, and into a small house which is said to be haunted. Soon a ghost tries to force Madison’s family out of the house in order to have Madison for himself.
Now you can use those ideas, cause personally I don't care for them. Have a good week!

When your writing remember to make up your mind!

I found an old book called Inside the Talking Cake. No it has nothing to do with the making of that stupid book, it was supposed to be about my sister and I are transported into the book and find out that we caused some of the major events. Now I'm all against the idea of a real person being in a fiction novel.
I did noticed that the main plot line was being changed constantly. In one chapter the organiser controlled the book, but in the other chapters the author controlled the book. It was highly confusing and I even noted in the book, "Wait do the witches want me or the organiser?". It became soo confusing that I actually had to say something about it in the book. My advice is when you are writing any novel to have your plan in mind and not constantly changing details without going back and seeing if it makes sense. I was constantly changing the plot and major details that the book fell apart. That is a book that I never plan to remake.

My plea to the people to read my blog

PM and I had made the Ilovegaryclub to attempt to get attention. Unfortunately I fear that the way the blog is written and the fact that my attempt to advertise it is failing I might have to delete the blog. I know PM won't like that, but if nobody is reading it then what is the point of keeping it? I plan to give it two more days and if nothing changes I'll delete it.
Though this isn't the first blog I stopped or deleted. My old family blog( which I posted the chapters of the Talking Cake on) I stopped using it. PM and I's old Jonas Brothers fan site I deleted. We both don't use the Ducky club blog(OK we were bored and we both thought that ducks were cute). I fear that the I love Gary blog will join the list of blogs that were ignored. Well I don't want to bother you all with a sob story about the whole Gary blog. Personally I don't think it is the best blog, but I still use it because it is a fun thing to do with PM. Have a good week, and I plan to write a new post soon.

Friday, April 10, 2009


When I think of mysteries I usually think of Sherlock Holmes, and Nancy Drew. Luckily Americans have started to create new mysteries that are hopefuly flying off the shelves. I myself had actually written a mystery before, unfortunatly it was terrible. Most mysteries usually have these 4 things: A crime, a detective, clues, and a beautiful lady to just make it interesting. Now most crimes are usually a murder, a kidnapping, or a robbery. The detective subject usually goes under these three things:
Amateur detective: Usually close to the victim and decides to solve the crime by him or herself
Professional detective: being paid to solve the crime, and has no relationship to the victim

Clues are a vital thing to the making of a mystery. After doing some research I managed to decide that there are mainly two types of clues:
The obvious clues: Clues that need little or no explaining. They usually lead straight to the next clue or the solution to the mystery. Example: He found a note that read "To find the next clue go to the Eiffel Tower". They are usually straight-forward, and need no real thinking to solve

Thinking clues: Clues that the detective actually has to think about what it means. It commonly used in mysteries for adults. They usually are small details that turn out to be of big importance. Basically it's the opposite of The Obvious clues.
Unfortunately when your young most people use the Obvious clues technique because it is easy to write and makes the story faster. Though it makes the suspension of believability very low. Older and more mature authors use the Thinking clues because it is usually more realistic. The only down side is that Thinking Clues usually take more time to describe and is fairly harder to write.
When I wrote The Mystery at the Wax museum I used the amateur detective and the Obvious clues. I don't plan to make another mystery ot remake the Wax museam book. I'm just not good at writing mysteries. I'm very good at writing romances, fantasies, and I'm ok at writing comedies. Have a good week!

My life as a Romance writer

I'm not the type of person who you would imagine to write romance novels. Well maybe, depends on what type of romance you mean. There are mainly three different types of romance
Romance for adults: Usually novels with the book cover has a muscular, half naked guy carrying a very curvy girl. They usually go into deep description of their physical or sexual attraction. Adults usually read these series
Romantic comedies: Usually they are made into tv shows and movies. Usually is a romance that has large or small amounts of comedies( I'm good at writing these)
Romance for teens: Take place in high school and occasionally middle school. Even rarely in Elementary school. Usually involve cliques, popular guys, football games, and other teen subjects.

I'm more of a Romanctic comedy for teens. Though I am always doubting my ability to write romance. I mean it is soo deep, and has it's up and downs. Unfortunately I have never dated a guy so it is kinda hard for me to write about dating. Now some romance authors write about romance after what they imagine it being like. I personally don't care about dating in real life, unlike most girls.
I plan to try to let go of the romance genre for a while. All of my books usually have the romance genre in it, but luckily there are numerous genres that were in it. I just have to finish the Fantasogra book because that is mainly a romance. Have a good week!

How I get inspired

Getting inspired to write a book is a common thing in my life. I get inspired by anything and everything. For example: I got the idea for the Diary of a Lipgloss addict by looking at a tube of lipgloss. I got the idea for the Talking Cake after reading my sister's flash fiction called the Talking Pie( luckily my sister wanted me to remake the Talking Pie).
Though the most common way I get ideas is simply when I read. I get ideas every time I read a book, which makes it hard to read. I'm going to see Wicked today so more than likely I'll want to write some book about a witch.
Being so creative is soo hard, I just can't believe that with such a creative person I am, then why are most of my books being forgotten and unfinished. I just think that my Major books( which usually come once a year) are the only books I finish. But getting my Major book ideas is very hard.
Well I plan to post the trailer for the Diary of a Lipgloss Addict book maybe next week(because I'm writing this from my Grandparents house). Have a good week!

I'de like to dedicate this post to all of the people who leave comments

I'de like to thank my fans and people who write comments. You guys are soo nice and supportive. My old youtube page(which I deleted) had many subscribers but they all hated me. You guys rock! I'll keep you guys updated and my next post is going to be about How I get inspired. Though my ways in inspiration are very odd.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh no my book's shrinking!

Is there such thing as editing your book too much? Well I think there is. My book as I told you all used to be 230 pages, but it's been edited down to only 188 pages. It's shrinking very fast! It's shorter than the Talking Cake! Oh wait The Talking Cake is on large font. I just hope that The Diary will be a bit longer than the Talking Cake, because if it gets too short then it won't be consisered a book. It will be a short story, or a novella. If it becomes a short story then it limits my publishing companies down a lot.
I'm already 17,000 words ahead of Short story, but believe me I delete by the masses! I deleted a whole 5 page chapter that was totally unnecesarry. Well I might not be able to post a lot because I'm visiting my grandparents during the weekend and I'm going to be very busy taking care of my sister. Hope your having a great Spring break!

The one genre rule

It was a normal day and I decided to read one of my older books. I then noticed that Adventure in a fantasy land(which is supposed to be the sequel of The Music book) has a totally different genre than the first book and has nothing in common with the first book. Here is my compare and contrast
Fantasy land: A fantasy/ sci fi
Music book: A realistic fiction(well not that realistic) and takes place in normal times.
Both: same characters
I then knew that when you are writing sequels that you should try to make the books the same genre. You know if you are writing a fantasy book, try to make the sequel a fantasy. This rule doesn't apply with everything. You can have the first book being an action novel and the sequel be more of a romance. But just don't make it too romancy, add some sprinkles of action(or the original genre) into the book.
The one genre rule was yet another thing I learned from my old books. See you gotta learn from your mistakes.

Teenage Author challenges JK Rowling

The 19-year-old started writing The Eyes of a King when she was 14 after being inspired by CS Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Her story is based on teenager Leo North who lives in the magical world of Malonia and discovers a blank book which leads him to the strange world of Earth.
Much feted, Miss Banner's book has just been published by Random House and many say it will be as popular as the Harry Potter books.
Her editor Lauren Buckland warned: "She may even take on JK Rowling."
Describing her desire to write, Miss Banner said: "When I was little one of my favourite games was to staple together sheets of paper and make them into a book with stories and pictures, and later I spent hours after school writing stories.
"I was at school when I was working on The Eyes of a King, so I wrote in any available time I had - sometimes I was even noting down a few sentences at the back of the class or in between lessons so as not to forget them.
"I think that was a good way to learn to write; it means everything you put down on paper has to be thought out first."
Miss Banner left school last year with straight As in her exams and is starting at Cambridge University in the autumn.
During her gap year she wrote the second part of the trilogy and is turning her attention to the final instalment.
"I don't work to a set routine," she said. "I write best late at night and redraft best in the mornings so it depends what stage a story is at.
"It was sometimes a challenge to balance writing with my other commitments, but I don't think you are ever too young to start writing if you have a story you want to tell."
If only I become a successfull author like her. I know that anybody of any age can be a bestselling author.
Ps: This post was something I found on CNN today

Asking for advice

Editing is important, but asking for advice about how to improve your book is harder. Here is my advice on what people you should and shouldn't ask for advice
Parents/grandparents: Unfortunatly most young writers ask their parents about how to write books. Most parents will just say "Oh your book is great the way it is!". They are usually too worried about telling you how they really feel, which does not help you.
Friend: Depends on the friend. Some friends would care less if page 54 makes sense. Others will be willing to help. Though there are some friends who are just like the parents. They are soo hyped about your book. I had a friend who constantly said "This book is soo awesome, people will so read it". Though getting support from your friends and family is important, but saying it constantly kinda sounds like they are being sarcastic after a while.
Other authors: I'm in a writers group, and I am the oldest person in the group. Most of the members are just a bunch of 6th graders. When your older who tend to see the negatives in other people's writings more easily. Unfortunatly I notice many flaws, but believe me they definitly give you critisism on your book. Well my group doesn't a lot, but they are good at letting you know what is good.

Though it is also very hard one to ask somebody whose in the writing business. For example: My mom knows this guy who is an editor, and he said he would edit my book after I finish proofreading it. I have a long way to go. Though everytime I edit my book it just keeps getting shorter. The original copy( which I fear might be lost) used to be 220 pages, but after so much editing( I took out major scenes and small details) it turned into only 190 pages. That sucks.
Oh and you might have noticed that PM and I had started our old blog again. Let me just say that we are not stalkers. Have a good week. I'm seeing Wicked tommorow and I'm realy excited!

The hardest thing for me to admit

Here is a message to all authors that is usually very hard to understand: It is impossible to write the perfect book. There will always be flaws, and no matter how much you edit it there will still be somebody out there who doesn't like the story. I myself had to force myself to believe that the Diary book is not perfect and that since I'm a young author my writing is still changing. Most likely I'll come back in about ten years and wonder why I wrote like that.
It is usually hard for an author to admit that they did not make the perfect book, and that most likely the publishers will juts look for the flaws. My writing is changing now and I see proof of that by looking at my old books. Believe me when I saw my old books I was horrified that I wrote like that. My grandpa is a published author(well self-published) and I know that getting published by a major company is WAAAY harder than getting self-published.
I'm trying to be prepared for anything. For good and for worse. Because not everybody will fall head over heels for your book(which is why it is hard to ask your parents and relatives for advice about how to improve your writing). For example: Not everybody loves the Twilight series( I'm actually a huge fan!).
To be a successfull writter you have to know that it is impossible to write a book that EVERYBODY will enjoy , which is why it will be hard for me because compared to most famous authors my writing sucks, and you have to be prepared for negative reviews. My next post will be about how to ask people for advice about editing your book. My number one rule is just to not ask your parents.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My friend PM and I's old blog

Now one day we were at school when luckily we saw the cute face of Gary Gaylord. This blog is all about the documentation of us and Gary. By the way at school he talked to us first. Cha ching! We're going to give you the inside scoop
-AM and PM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chapter two of my remake!

Yah it's here, and I might actually have found an original copy of the City of Gold book. http://cityofgoldbook.blogspot.com/. Here are the major changes from original copy
1. The city of gold is not in Australia, but in Brazil
2. The girls do not get kidnapped right away
3. There is no major battle scene in the end of the book
4. The city of gold is not underwater like in the original
5. The girls live in England rather than Washington Dc as in the remake
Here is chapter 2:

Chapter 2 :
Ariel had been preparing for her all girls retreat to France. There was going to be a fancy formal party at the camp leader’s house. They were expected to dress nice. Ariel had been rushed, for the party was to start in about two hours. She quickly tossed on a short green dress and raced out the door. Her mom drove her to the party.
It was almost fancy, except for the fact that they were playing hard rock music. For a while, it was calm. Ariel constantly looked out the window to see if the white van was there. Then, she heard somebody yell her name behind her. Ariel spun around, and saw it was Lily and Sophie! Lily ran over and said,
“Girl, I haven’t seen you in like, ever. How is everything going? Never mind that, I just got my drivers license. I’m so excited!”
The girls talked for a while, Then the leaders let the girls board large coach buses, and she said that it would take a short break at The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Ariel, Sophie and Lily sat together. After just talking about Sophie’s near pregnancy scare, Ariel got bored and looked out the window.
Something instantly caught her eyes. It was a large white van trailing next to bus. It looked oddly familiar, but she juts couldn't’t put her finger on it. She turned to Lily to tell her about the van, but when she turned back around the van was gone.
The bus then stopped at the Cheesecake Factory, and the three girls got a table. Ariel was reading the long menu, and said,
“I just having too many options. It’s just soo hard to decide”
Sophie mumbled, “That’s not surprising”. She then flashed Ariel a grin and a waiter then came around. After getting their meal, the girls started heading toward the bus. Ariel looked to her right to see a familiar white van parked outside the restaurant right next to Ariel’s bus. Ariel was just about to warn her friends when suddenly somebody grabbed her. The person then knocked her out after he hit her on the back of her head with a gun. Soon after that Lily, and Sophie were taken. Then there was a mass of hysteria. The leaders called the police but it was too late. The girls had been kidnapped.
They were then tossed into the car. The two girls huddled together and were scared. Ariel woke up later but her head hurt like crazy One guy took off his mask to reveal a youthful boy of about 18. He had long brown, hair and dark eyes. He sat down in front of them, as three others sat close by. A stern looking men took off his mask and said,
“ Now ladies, we don’t want to hurt you girls. Ohh, where are my manners, I’m Mr. Hank Jeffery. This is my son Leonard, Leo for short.”
Ariel chuckled a little, but fell silent. Mr. Jeffery then said,
“Now, we’re looking for a map, and we’ll let you go if you give it to us.”
Lily then asked,
“ What map, who are you guys? The Britain police don’t kidnap girls and wear masks. You don’t even look like one, and for god sake, they don’t use the name Leonard! No offense. It’s just too odd like.”
Leonard gave her a mean look. Another guy admonished them,
“ Show us where the map is, Lily!”
Lily knew clearly what they were talking about but answered,
“ I don’t have any map if that’s what your wanting. What the devil do you guys want?”Mr. Jeffery looked at the others and asked,
“ Tell me Lily, do you believe in the City of Gold”
The three girls burst into laughter. Sophie exclaimed,
“ Yeah, I believed in Cities of Gold when I was three! Let me guess, you think the tooth fairy will help you find it. Maybe after that the -”
Ariel gave her a look as to tell her to stop. Mr. Jeffery then told them that the gold is the least of their concerns for something other than gold was their goal. Lily said,
Ok, I never even heard of a map to this City of Gold. Why do you want us?!”
Mr. Jeffery just said that they wanted a map that they had and they probably won’t hurt them. She sighed,
“ I think you got the wrong people, I would never have some stupid map to an unknown stupid place. This is stupid!”
Sophie complimented her,
“ You sure do like the word stupid. Just think on the positive side. If we get through this alive, we could be on an episode of 20/20 or be on the cover of People Magazine. New found fame!” Lily added,
“I think this is a major mistake. I don’t know anything about a map. Seriously!”
Mr. Jeffery gave Lily a look of suspicion and asked, “May I see your purse?”
Lily then held her purse close, and she remembered that she had put the map in her purse. She then shook her head, but Leo then forcefully yanked the purse away from her. Then unfortunately he found the map. He grinned and gave Lily a look of “You were saying”. Lily then mouthed “Go to hell”. He just said quietly back, “Already there”.
Ariel then laid down on one of the many boxes that were scattered around the van. Ariel then noticed something on one of the boxes. The letters NWD in red ink. Ariel knew what they were. A couple weeks earlier, she had saw on the news that an organization called the Nuclear Weapon Distributors (The NWD ) were selling powerful, nuclear weapons to countries like Iran and North Korea. Why would they want to find a city of gold? It didn’t make sense. The car stopped and the girls were blindfolded.
A couple of minutes later, they found themselves in some warehouse. They were in a small room which had a lot of old magazines scattered around it.
Then Lily used her pocket knife to rip through her bounds. She took off her blindfold. She then helped untie the others. The girls knew that whatever it was, was getting serious. The door on the side opened and Mr. Jeffery entered and yelled,
“ Listen here girls, either you participate or else. Now anybody here speak French?”
Ariel slowly raised her hand and he tossed her the map. The map wasn’t what she expected; all it had was writing on it, and a couple pictures of She studied it hard and said slowly,
Umm…I think it says Land of a thousand forests, and a snake river.”
It made no sense, but the men quickly snatched it back. The door then closed behind them.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Book idea of the day

Recently I've been getting many book ideas. Most of whom I know I cannot write. I had gotten an idea recently and I know I can't write it. I made a quick portfolio of my idea.
Title: Romeo and Jane. A telling of Romeo and Juliet but from the daughter of a family right in the middle of the Capulet/Montegue struggle. Jane loves Romeo and she tries to steal him away from Juliet.
Now I hope this is original. Have a good week.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yah I made my first remake!

YAAAAH! I succesfully remade the City of Gold book! I'm soo happy. I plan to send the book to a writing contest( once I find one). I'll be sure to post chapter two online soon. Have a good week.

Ps: I'm almost done editing the Diary book. Awesome

The mystery of the lost story

Ever since I posted my sister's old "Underwater hotel" thingy I thought that I should post more. So I went on my mom's computer(which is stuffed with my old stories) and found a short story by my sis. It mainly is just the common storyline of: A princess is forced to marry, but she marries her close friend instead. Unfortunatly I exited it. I the came back a couple minutes later and it was gone. It was gone like a ghost, and it had no sign of it ever being there. I did multiple searches, and even looked up the word Princess but it never came up. I even searched the trashbin in my computer but it wasn't there. I wonder what happened to that file? Will I ever find it? Will I ever find another book by my sister? Will she ever stop being an OMG girl? I guess only time will tell. Hey maybe I can even force my sis to write again. Even though her writing skils are...different. Oh and I found out that staying home for Spring Break is not fun. While your sister is playing on the beach with her friend. Though I'm not saying that her friend is the "best smelling" person on this planet. I wish my sis luck and I wish that I could find something to do this week.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Fantasogra trailer!

After weeks of finding movie clips, I managed to make the first trailer for that Fantasogra book! You people can post your reviews for the video.

Comment( please nothing too harsh). I take negative critisism really badly. I deleted my old youtube account because this certain person insulted me really badly.


Sorry about getting our hopes up

The chapter of the Fantasogra book is only being published in my school. Don't feel bad I might enter it in a contest, or maybe send it to my local newspaper. I just gotta get published and those Atlanta Newspapers will hopefully be crawling all over me! I hope. Well I might post the first chapter of that Fantasogra book later.
My plan for getting published is simple:
1. Finish editing and be sure that I get rid of a lot of stuff( first I have to decide whether to get the Diary book published or possibly my other books)
2. Get an agent. In the writing world the only way to get noticed is to get a literary agent. They will be an easy pass to the major publishing companies like Poppy and Scholastic.
3. Find a good company( I'm looking more toward Poppy, they publish the Gossip Girl series, Secrets of My hollywood life, The Clique).
4. Get small media attention( mostly locally)
5. Slowly grow till I'm big
6. Have a backup plan if my writing career doesn't go well. I just have to get my plan down.

Getting published is going to be a challenging thing, and it will not be easy. The only things I have to fear are Rejection letters, and bad reviews. Since I'm young(age 14) that may help my books getting published. I mean what's better than a 14 year old( who kinda has some social problems) who writes romance books in her freetime? I don't know, but I heard that this one kid got published at age 6. If a 6 year old can get published then so can a 14 year old!

Me in My Fair lady

Before I used to write I sang and acted. Here is an archival video of my Eliza( or the girl with the weird cockney accent and the red hat)

No I am not british, I just had to pretend to be. Well have a good week.

A word from my sister

A couple years ago I managed to force my sister to write( unfortunatly my sis happens to be a popular, phone chatting girl who always is saying, "OMG I cannot believe that he likes me. I mean I like him but Lindsey likes him. This is soo unbelievable". So she wrote a fast fiction( a literary term for a book that is shorter than 5 pages). It's called The Underwater hotel.

Well, it was my birthday and my mom said we were going to a fancy hotel. I grabbed a dress and rushed to the car. Then we drove off and I was looking out the window thinking where is it? Then 30 minutes later I saw the hotel. My mom said, '' go check in and we will be in the room". My mom said we could see the pool from here. I ran over and saw a huge sword fish swinning out of my window,and a ton of other fish. I said to my self I am not swimming in that pool. I ran to the lobby and said there was something wrong with the pool. The pool was full of aquatic creatures. The hotel was underwater! "WHAT" I screamed. I ran up to my room and yelled at my mom '' WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WE WERE STAYING AT A UNDER WATER HOTEL!'' My mom said" I thought you loved the ocean". I don't, especially when there are sharks and sword fishes in it.
Then I went to bed. In the morning we had great eggs and beacon . I thought to my self I can not go on not going in the ocean. I grabbed my bathing suit and zoomed to the ocean. I got their and it was so pretty,it had bright blue water and gorgeous blue fish and it felt like dolphins were saying come on in. I jumped in and saw a dolphin and I grabbed on to it's fins, we saw whales sharks and the fish sitting next to my window. It was pretty fun. The most scary part was that I rode a shark and it took me an underwater cave. I went back to my room and every thing was packed as I reached down to get my towel it was all packed. I found out that we were going back home, but hey there is a good story to tell all my friends

Now I stayed true to the story, and didn't edit a lot. I know that it is a cute story, but she should have edited it and added a lot of detail. Maybe I can force my sis to write another book, but everytime I bring it up she says "Umm you can get the ideas, and I'll just type the book". So technically I'm doing all the book, and she just writes it down. Well have a good week. Oh and thanks for the people who commented! I just love comments!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Beware of the vampire novels.

Recently I've had some freetime, so I decided to look up the term Vampire on Amazon. I got over 15,000 results and none of them were the Twilight series. My warning to people is that Vampire romances are out of date now, and people just don't read vampire novels other than Twilight. Listen to my warning because I myself had tried to write a vampire novel but I just knew that competing Twilight.

My top seven worst books I ever wrote

Is it possible to remake a remake? I am almost done with my first remake. Surprisingly I'm making a remake of the book I couldn't get past one chapter writing. I'm talking about Adventure to the City of gold. I found out that rewriting a book from scratch was too hard, so I just got the original copy and added and deleted some stuff So far I'm almost done with the book.
But is it possibly to make one of my big failures worthy for publishing? My answer is no. No matter how much I edit it and I just can't get rid of the old shadow of it's old self. For this I give you my top seven worst books I ever wrote list.

1. Adventure in a fantasy land: A book I only mentioned Small but this book combined Monty Python stolen humor, a predictable plot and battles that aren't needed. It had over 14 main characters( which was very hard to make it so each of them had the same amount of lines). Plus it had a lot of cheap humor and bland characters.

2. The Talking cake: A mixture of cheesy humor, extended battle scenes, and the over 20 locations they all went.

3. Seven girls music adventure: One of my books that included more than five main characters. It combined real stupid sequences of the girls(all ages 10 to 12) posing as electricians(WTF what I thinking!?) and getting to be background dancers after Crystal Shane's( a hit musician) agent sees the girls dancing the theme dance of the song. For one thing it had a unrealistic story of girls who suddenly get really famous after one night and already have school kids crying at their feet. 2: It had a real stupid dance/singing moment of a song that I just noticed sounds a lot like Nobody's perfect even though it was written way before Hannah Montana ever sang it.

4. Monkey from Outer space: I already told you guys what the plot was. I believe that it's main flaws were the whole "One paragraph, no chapters thingy", and the fact that I used My sister, her friend and I as characters. Plus the fact that the whole plot is a very common story line

5. The family news: Ok it is technically not a book, it was more of a newspaper I wrote. This is only about issue one. That is where there are numerous authors who are having a fight while writing the article and for some reason were writing it all into the article. It is definitely a REALLY stupid thing I ever wrote

6. Mystery at the Wax museum: This was a lame attempt to write a mystery Carol Marsh style. That's just when Carol marsh's villains gave the kids obvious clues to find them. Thank god I didn't make myself a character! Plus it had a unrealistic plot. Why would criminals want to make off with a bunch of wax figures? Oh and did I mention the fact that I once again added a violent gun fight when it was not needed?

7. Adventure to the City of Gold: It has a unrealistic plot, terrible action sequences, and bad comedy. It would be a number one if I wasn't remaking it
I know that if I find more of my old books the list will continue. I'll keep writing. Have a good spring break!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

You can post comments now!


Ps: I'de like to thank my three followers. You guys rock!

Adventure to the City of Gold

Ok this is one of older books, which I had planned of remaking. It is not that bad( I actually had to edit it a lot). So unfortunatly this isn't the original version( I accidently clicked save so the original version might be gone, :( ). Well here is the chapter. Oh and sorry about the whole no comment thingy. I'll continue to work on it. Even if I have to have About Me at the top of the page.

Chapter 1: Myth and a Chase

There has always been a legend of a city of gold which was used to hold the most powerful nuclear weapon on earth. Many people believed it was a myth, or fairy tale.
But one day, three unlikely girls who barely knew each other, would be put into a epic quest to find it. It all began one night at Lily’s house.
All the neighborhood kids had gathered to play the daily Flashlight Tag Game. This was normal for these kids, for every night they played it. Lily was being forced by her parents, who are usually out of town because her dad is a high ranking FBI agent, to babysit over six kids.
Lily, who was 17, was like every other American girl. She loved sports, and she had many friends. She lived in a large suburban house, which was normal in her neighborhood in Washington DC. She is the President of the Young Democrats club, and currently takes teaches karate to kids. She’s the perfect child, except for the fact that she’s still a virgin at 17!
It was to be a normal night, she had invited her neighbors Ariel and Sophie to come along. Ariel ran up to Sophie and exclaimed,
“ So anything new with you?”
Sophie then flipped her blonde hair back and said snobbily,
“I just got back from totally making out with my new boyfriend. It was soo fun. You know Oliver from Art class. He’s like totally hot, and he’s a great kisser. He’s like a totally good match for me. Well a match fit for ten minutes”
She then high-fived Ariel, and she continued,
“Oh Ariel, your soo lucky that you have an abnormal friend like me. You so normal. If only I could be you. If I was like you then I would be unpopular, and a nerd. You know I’m just messing with you”
Ariel came from a normal family. She went to school like a normal kid, and she ate a very normal diet. Ariel looks like a normal, boring person on the outside but she was a jealous wreck. She lived with her newly adopted older brother, named Nick, who almost everybody loved more that her. Flashlight tag was the only way to get away from him.
She wasn’t very active and the only thing she did in the summer was tour across Europe and take an all girls retreat in July. Ariel and Lily are somewhat friends, but they didn’t see each other often. Ariel is usually heavily reading, and or blogging. She is usually quite, and keeps to herself. She is the exact opposite of Lily.
Lily was a popular girl, while Ariel wasn’t really. She blamed it on the fact that she was one of the few red-haired girls in her neighborhood. Her parents just said,
“Just ignore them, remember red-haired girls are beautiful. When your 14, we’ll allow you to change your hair color.”
Ariel was only one year away and she wanted it to go by fast. She mainly had one true friend, the young Sophie.
Sophie was the second youngest kid in her neighborhood at age 14. She was best known for being a glamorous kid, who every night at flashlight tag, wore some new lipstick color. She also happened to have three ex-boyfriends (most considered them just friends) and one boyfriend so far. Sophia always boasts how she makes out with her boyfriends behind the school, and how her blog gets over a million hit’s a day. She is always the girl who shows up to each class an hour late.
It started the normal way, all the kids met at Lily’s front porch and discussed where base was going to be.
“ Now remember, my Mom says that we can’t go in the road and into the neighbor’s yard. Now, let’s make this a nice and fun game.”
For an hour, it was very calm; nothing but kids playing games and the slight sound of cars passing bye.
Then something strange happened, a white van just stopped in front of Lily’s house. At first they didn’t mind it, but slowly it got a little disturbing. The three girls hid in the bushes and watched. They were a block away from Lily‘s house. It was eerie as the people in the van just stared at the house. Then, the doors opened and six men wearing black suits walked out. They all looked almost identical, and threatening.
Ariel could see that they each had a gun and she knew that they had bad intentions. She tried to keep quiet as the men looked around the house. Sophie had an idea, and threw a pinecone a couple feet away.
The men then jumped into their car and sped off on the other direction. The girls made a dash to Lily’s house. Then, suddenly, the car spun around and drove toward them quickly.
The girls were freaked out as they all tried to run fast. The car was only a couple of feet away when they then heard gun shots. They were so close to Lily’s house, but Sophie accidentally tripped on the sidewalk. Lily quickly helped her up .
Ariel was trying hard to open the door, for the men had gotten out of their van and were running towards them. Lily then fumbled to unlock the door, and they all fell in. She barely had enough time to lock the door behind her, as the frightened girls started to hide around the house.
Sophie, being the smallest of the group, hid inside a box inside Lily’s Mom’s closet. She then piled some clothes on top of her and went into a deep silence.
The other two girls hid in other places. Then, suddenly, they heard the sound of the door breaking down and the racing of footsteps around the house. The girls didn’t know why the men wanted them or what they wanted. Ariel, (who was hiding under a bed), saw the feet of many scampering about the room. They were throwing stuff all around. Most of the things were very expensive. It seemed they were searching for something. One of them said,
“ Find that map!”
He said it constantly. Ariel could tell that whomever it was had more authority over the other 3 men that were in the room. The four men then left the room angrily. After twenty minutes they heard the sound of a car driving away.
The girls were still worried , for they didn’t know if there were still anybody inside. Lily , who was hiding in a secret trapdoor below a carpet, had called the police.
In a matter of minutes, the police had come and all of their parents were desperately worried. Ariel’s mom Judy cried,
“ Ariel! Are you ok? Did anything happen?”
Ariel had barely enough time to answer, because her mom was hugging and kissing her. Lily’s father instantly ran inside and started searching the house frantically. Lily walked suspiciously up to her dad, and asked,
“What are you looking for?”
Her dad then looked inside a small vase( which was full of flowers) and started digging. Then he took a rolled up sheet of paper which was covered in dirt out. He sighed heavily in relief and then put it back in the vase. He then turned back to Lily, who was very suspicious, and said, “Oh nothing, I just had to see that everything was there”.
He then walked away, after telling Lily to not tell anybody about what she just saw. The first thing Lily did was quickly take out that sheet of paper from the vase. All it had was drawings of animals, and some stuff written in French. She then put it back and forgot about it.
Though soon the map would be back in her life, and even more important.

The first Book idea web sale!

Welcome hopeful writers, or people from my family! Today is the first annual book idea sale. I have tons of ideas you can have for nothing but $0.00! I got fantasy ideas, and sci fi ideas! Almost any idea possible. Here is my catalogue

Fantasy: A prince( who is said to be dead) falls in love with a young girl( whose father is the evil king of a fantasy land). The prince has to decide whether he should stay away from the girl out of fear of being caught, or stay with her.
Now I know that is a common idea, but I hope people have creativity!
Modern: A young teen actress's parents are killed and she is forced to be adopted. She then goes from rich life to a middle class life. Plus her new stepsister happens to be her biggest fan!
Sci Fi: A group of girls find an abandoned spaceship, and go on a intergalactic trip. Unfortunatly they find out that the ship actually contains a man-eatting creature.

These ideas are free, and you can use them. You can even send me a link to the book if you like! Have a good day! Oh and I might continue my fairy tale book during Spring Break. I'll definitly have loads to say during Spring Break. Hope I get some sun( doubt it though)

My obsession with remakes

Ever since I finished making a book, and several sequels I found that the only other type of book I could write was a remake. So I took out some of my old books( my MAJORLY bad ones ), and started thinking of remaking some. I tried one book( Seven girls music adventure) but I got kinda bored. Then I tried A Girl's adventure, and I couldn't get passed one paragraph! Writing a remake is going to be hugely hard, and challenging.
Oh and I plan to post a chapter of either The Talking Cake or A Girl's adventure online today. Have a good day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How I reacted when I found my old books

One word: Horrified! For one I can't believe that I made one book basicly a long paragraph. I still remember that one book. I think it was called the Monkey from outerspace( I was 11 so you can't blame me for the stupid title!). It was mainly about two kids(at the time they were my sister and her friend) find a monkey in a UFO( which happened to crash in the middle of a park, but nobody but them seemed to notice for some reason). It was not one of my best novels, nad I even thought of remaking it.
The second book I found was simply called The Seven girls music adventure. Unfortunatly it was about me, a old friend of mine, and several fake characters get to be backup singers in a concert and get famous. Ok so it's not a seriously bad idea, but I'm just mad that it was soo stupid and I used myself( and a person I know) in it. I might remake it( I'll just make changes to the book so I don't have to rewrite the whole darn thing). Though I've had a butt-load of books I want to remake.

The third book was a kinda prequel/fantasy version which once again stars my friend, the fake characters, and I. I don't plan to remake it.

Well since I said that I would put a chapter online, tommarow I will post a chapter of one of my older novels which I don't really care about.