Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chapter two of my remake!

Yah it's here, and I might actually have found an original copy of the City of Gold book. http://cityofgoldbook.blogspot.com/. Here are the major changes from original copy
1. The city of gold is not in Australia, but in Brazil
2. The girls do not get kidnapped right away
3. There is no major battle scene in the end of the book
4. The city of gold is not underwater like in the original
5. The girls live in England rather than Washington Dc as in the remake
Here is chapter 2:

Chapter 2 :
Ariel had been preparing for her all girls retreat to France. There was going to be a fancy formal party at the camp leader’s house. They were expected to dress nice. Ariel had been rushed, for the party was to start in about two hours. She quickly tossed on a short green dress and raced out the door. Her mom drove her to the party.
It was almost fancy, except for the fact that they were playing hard rock music. For a while, it was calm. Ariel constantly looked out the window to see if the white van was there. Then, she heard somebody yell her name behind her. Ariel spun around, and saw it was Lily and Sophie! Lily ran over and said,
“Girl, I haven’t seen you in like, ever. How is everything going? Never mind that, I just got my drivers license. I’m so excited!”
The girls talked for a while, Then the leaders let the girls board large coach buses, and she said that it would take a short break at The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Ariel, Sophie and Lily sat together. After just talking about Sophie’s near pregnancy scare, Ariel got bored and looked out the window.
Something instantly caught her eyes. It was a large white van trailing next to bus. It looked oddly familiar, but she juts couldn't’t put her finger on it. She turned to Lily to tell her about the van, but when she turned back around the van was gone.
The bus then stopped at the Cheesecake Factory, and the three girls got a table. Ariel was reading the long menu, and said,
“I just having too many options. It’s just soo hard to decide”
Sophie mumbled, “That’s not surprising”. She then flashed Ariel a grin and a waiter then came around. After getting their meal, the girls started heading toward the bus. Ariel looked to her right to see a familiar white van parked outside the restaurant right next to Ariel’s bus. Ariel was just about to warn her friends when suddenly somebody grabbed her. The person then knocked her out after he hit her on the back of her head with a gun. Soon after that Lily, and Sophie were taken. Then there was a mass of hysteria. The leaders called the police but it was too late. The girls had been kidnapped.
They were then tossed into the car. The two girls huddled together and were scared. Ariel woke up later but her head hurt like crazy One guy took off his mask to reveal a youthful boy of about 18. He had long brown, hair and dark eyes. He sat down in front of them, as three others sat close by. A stern looking men took off his mask and said,
“ Now ladies, we don’t want to hurt you girls. Ohh, where are my manners, I’m Mr. Hank Jeffery. This is my son Leonard, Leo for short.”
Ariel chuckled a little, but fell silent. Mr. Jeffery then said,
“Now, we’re looking for a map, and we’ll let you go if you give it to us.”
Lily then asked,
“ What map, who are you guys? The Britain police don’t kidnap girls and wear masks. You don’t even look like one, and for god sake, they don’t use the name Leonard! No offense. It’s just too odd like.”
Leonard gave her a mean look. Another guy admonished them,
“ Show us where the map is, Lily!”
Lily knew clearly what they were talking about but answered,
“ I don’t have any map if that’s what your wanting. What the devil do you guys want?”Mr. Jeffery looked at the others and asked,
“ Tell me Lily, do you believe in the City of Gold”
The three girls burst into laughter. Sophie exclaimed,
“ Yeah, I believed in Cities of Gold when I was three! Let me guess, you think the tooth fairy will help you find it. Maybe after that the -”
Ariel gave her a look as to tell her to stop. Mr. Jeffery then told them that the gold is the least of their concerns for something other than gold was their goal. Lily said,
Ok, I never even heard of a map to this City of Gold. Why do you want us?!”
Mr. Jeffery just said that they wanted a map that they had and they probably won’t hurt them. She sighed,
“ I think you got the wrong people, I would never have some stupid map to an unknown stupid place. This is stupid!”
Sophie complimented her,
“ You sure do like the word stupid. Just think on the positive side. If we get through this alive, we could be on an episode of 20/20 or be on the cover of People Magazine. New found fame!” Lily added,
“I think this is a major mistake. I don’t know anything about a map. Seriously!”
Mr. Jeffery gave Lily a look of suspicion and asked, “May I see your purse?”
Lily then held her purse close, and she remembered that she had put the map in her purse. She then shook her head, but Leo then forcefully yanked the purse away from her. Then unfortunately he found the map. He grinned and gave Lily a look of “You were saying”. Lily then mouthed “Go to hell”. He just said quietly back, “Already there”.
Ariel then laid down on one of the many boxes that were scattered around the van. Ariel then noticed something on one of the boxes. The letters NWD in red ink. Ariel knew what they were. A couple weeks earlier, she had saw on the news that an organization called the Nuclear Weapon Distributors (The NWD ) were selling powerful, nuclear weapons to countries like Iran and North Korea. Why would they want to find a city of gold? It didn’t make sense. The car stopped and the girls were blindfolded.
A couple of minutes later, they found themselves in some warehouse. They were in a small room which had a lot of old magazines scattered around it.
Then Lily used her pocket knife to rip through her bounds. She took off her blindfold. She then helped untie the others. The girls knew that whatever it was, was getting serious. The door on the side opened and Mr. Jeffery entered and yelled,
“ Listen here girls, either you participate or else. Now anybody here speak French?”
Ariel slowly raised her hand and he tossed her the map. The map wasn’t what she expected; all it had was writing on it, and a couple pictures of She studied it hard and said slowly,
Umm…I think it says Land of a thousand forests, and a snake river.”
It made no sense, but the men quickly snatched it back. The door then closed behind them.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm so glad to find other writers on Blogger. It's fantastic that you know what you want to do and are planning to go right ahead and do it! I'm working on the same thing - it just took me a while longer to decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. LOL! If there's anything I can do to help, come on over to my blog and let me know - be glad to. Us writers gotta stick together, you know.
