Sunday, April 19, 2009

Social class: which one are you in?

"Tiffany walked through the hall with her long, smooth black hair flowing behind her. All off the kids eyed her with beady eyes and the guys heart thumped faster in the sight of her beauty. Soon over twenty kids started crowding around her desperatly wanting to talk to her. They all had one goal: Become friends with Tiffany so they can be popular"
That was an example of the popularity group in school. Now this post is only for people who write books about social status. For example: In the Fantasogra book, the country of Fantasogra society is split into two group:The Chosen ones(who was drop-dead gorgeous) and the Normal ones( everyday looking people, normal looking people).

Though most societys aren't as strict as the Fantasogra book when it comes to social classes. In the Fantasogra book everything good goes to the Chosen ones. The good medication goes to the Chosen ones and they are given mega mansions, and are allowed to party all the time. Plus it is illegal for a Chosen one to get arrested or be in any sort of crimanl trouble. In Fantasogra it is perfectly legal for a Chosen one to kill a Normal one.
Ok off my book, there are mainly three social groups:

The Popular and the Rich: Those are the ones who are very popular and very rich. They are usually the antagonist of most teen novels
The middle class: They have some friends and live the life of a normal person in middle class America. I kinda fit into that group(when I'm not in school).
Outcasts: Have few friends and mostly like to be alone. They are common protagonists in teen novels. It usually ends when they gain a larger social status

I know you might be surprised that I am talking about social classes when this blog is clearly about writing. I feel that when you are writing a teen book you should be well aware of the common social classes. My next post will be about the common Romance endings( I have to admit I just love to write about Romance). Have a great week and wish my luck because the CRCT is tomorrow!

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