Monday, April 20, 2009

My third post about Romance

"And they all live happily ever after". That's the most common phrase that I have ever heard. It has come to be know as the way that every fairy tale wants to end. When good triumphs over evil and the prince and princess live happily ever after. Sorry to break it to you guys but most romances don't end the whole "Disney ending" way anymore. I am actually thinking about having the Fantasogra book not end the whole happily ever after thingy. Just to interest you I managed to pull together a list of common Romance endings:
Romeo and Juliet(aka they all die): It's when the two lovers learn that they can't be together while they are living, or one of them dies. The grief striken lover then kills him(her)self in order to not live a life without their lover. Basicly they love eachother soo much that they would kill themselves to be together. Awwwwwwww :'(
One survives: when only one of the lovers survives and the other one either kills themself or learns to move on
True love is close to you: The girl(or boy) realizes that the person they think they are in love with( usually a hot girl or boy) turns out to be nothing more than a user( or something bad), and they find out that they actually love their close guy(or girl) friend.
Happily Ever after: yawn. Basicly it's just the hero wins the girl and they live happily ever after. The problem with this is just that it's what everybody expects, and if it ends that way then you'll just bore the audience. Only use this ending if you are writing a romance for kids

Now those aren't the only endings, there are possibly thousands more that I don't know. My next post will be about Book Titles. Unfortunatly I have not picked a title for the Fantasogra book( and no I don't plan to call it The Tales of Fantasogra, or the Fantasogra book). Have a good week!


  1. Good points made. What about the romance theme of girl loves guy, who turns out to be blood thirsty vampire (but a nice guy, otherwise, and a hunk, too). Which genre does that fall into?

  2. The answer to anonymous:
    That would go under the subgenre called Vampire Romance. Thanks for posting comment

  3. Hey, I like happily ever after. But then, when you get to a certain point in life, you realize that "happily ever afters" are not as simple as that phrase sounds. And they're not always happy, either - sometimes they're downright difficult! Don't rule them out, though, even for grownups. Everybody needs "happily" even if it's just for a little while till reality sets in! LOL
