Friday, April 3, 2009

My top seven worst books I ever wrote

Is it possible to remake a remake? I am almost done with my first remake. Surprisingly I'm making a remake of the book I couldn't get past one chapter writing. I'm talking about Adventure to the City of gold. I found out that rewriting a book from scratch was too hard, so I just got the original copy and added and deleted some stuff So far I'm almost done with the book.
But is it possibly to make one of my big failures worthy for publishing? My answer is no. No matter how much I edit it and I just can't get rid of the old shadow of it's old self. For this I give you my top seven worst books I ever wrote list.

1. Adventure in a fantasy land: A book I only mentioned Small but this book combined Monty Python stolen humor, a predictable plot and battles that aren't needed. It had over 14 main characters( which was very hard to make it so each of them had the same amount of lines). Plus it had a lot of cheap humor and bland characters.

2. The Talking cake: A mixture of cheesy humor, extended battle scenes, and the over 20 locations they all went.

3. Seven girls music adventure: One of my books that included more than five main characters. It combined real stupid sequences of the girls(all ages 10 to 12) posing as electricians(WTF what I thinking!?) and getting to be background dancers after Crystal Shane's( a hit musician) agent sees the girls dancing the theme dance of the song. For one thing it had a unrealistic story of girls who suddenly get really famous after one night and already have school kids crying at their feet. 2: It had a real stupid dance/singing moment of a song that I just noticed sounds a lot like Nobody's perfect even though it was written way before Hannah Montana ever sang it.

4. Monkey from Outer space: I already told you guys what the plot was. I believe that it's main flaws were the whole "One paragraph, no chapters thingy", and the fact that I used My sister, her friend and I as characters. Plus the fact that the whole plot is a very common story line

5. The family news: Ok it is technically not a book, it was more of a newspaper I wrote. This is only about issue one. That is where there are numerous authors who are having a fight while writing the article and for some reason were writing it all into the article. It is definitely a REALLY stupid thing I ever wrote

6. Mystery at the Wax museum: This was a lame attempt to write a mystery Carol Marsh style. That's just when Carol marsh's villains gave the kids obvious clues to find them. Thank god I didn't make myself a character! Plus it had a unrealistic plot. Why would criminals want to make off with a bunch of wax figures? Oh and did I mention the fact that I once again added a violent gun fight when it was not needed?

7. Adventure to the City of Gold: It has a unrealistic plot, terrible action sequences, and bad comedy. It would be a number one if I wasn't remaking it
I know that if I find more of my old books the list will continue. I'll keep writing. Have a good spring break!

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