Thursday, April 16, 2009

Update on the Fantasogra book

This is going to be a new segment that I will do once everybody. It will basicly being telling what I have finished writing in the Fantasogra book. This is what happened today:
1. Charles sends a letter via Griffon to Allison asking to see her.
2. Allison goes to school early to see the Chosen ones partying and passing out one by one
3. Elizabeth once again shows what a selfish, spoiled b!tch she is. Elizabeth believes that beauty gets you everything including love.
4. Elizabeth trys to convince Charles that he loves her. Stating "I'm beautiful and your handsome, we're perfect together."
Here is the plot so far from beggining to star:
1. Allison goes to school, and talks about the Fantasogra system of Chosen Ones and Normal one(or Normal folk)
2. Allison sees Elizabeth Belle who is the most popular and prettiest girl in school. Elizabeth was voted Most likely to be locked in a high tower.
3. At lunch Anya( a chosen one) freaks out over a bug and the characters Adam, and Zach are introduced
4. Allison walks home and while walking through the Ogre Forest( which is the only path that is allowed to the Normal ones) she is nearly hit by a carriage( which has Elizabeth and Charles inside)
5. Allison and Charles are forced to life the carriage after it tips over. Charles talks to Allison possibly over sheer pity about nearly killing her. He calls her pretty, and Elizabeth hears
6. It skips over to Elizabeth's point of view and it mainly focuses on her obsessing about the fact that Charles calls Allison pretty. Oh and Charles goes back into the woods to find Allison
7. Allison talks with Charles and she feels like Charles may like her... continues on to top of page

That's whats happening so far and I plan to keep you all updated! Have a great week!

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