Friday, April 17, 2009

Fonts: Resist the temptation

Imagine this: I was easily writing the Talking Cake and I was just about to write the famous words "And they all lived happily ever after", when I noticed something. The book which I had desperatly hoped to be longer than 180 pages turned out to be only 114. I had promised myself that I would write a book longer then 180 pages. I didn't want to add stuff in, so I did the thing that most authors did. My eyes scrolled slowly to the little button that read "Font Size". I knew somewhere deep in my head that making the font larger would basicly be lying about the lengh of my book. Though I was so bent on the idea of telling people that my book was longer than 180 pages that I changed the font from 12 to 18. Sure enough the 114 pages turned into 198 pages!

Now when I look at my book now I realize that I cheated myself into believing that I wrote a uber long book, even tohugh it was only 114. People believed me when I said I wrote such a long book, though inside I knew that it was just a small book which had been given steroids. My personal message to authors is that using the MASSIVE fonts wont get you anywhere. Sure it makes your book look longer but all agents and publishers only accept font size 12(possibly 13). Have a great week!

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