Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chapter three of Race to the City of Gold

Here is chapter three. Be free to comment.

Chapter 3

It had been a day since they were first kidnapped. It was already 8:00 AM. The girls were hungry and scared. They knew that they would probably never get out. Ariel sobbed,
“I had no idea I would die like this. Trapped in a room with only Lily and Sophie. That’s any kid’s worst nightmare”
Lily, who was too busy trying to unlock the door, said, “I think I might be able to get us out”
She then started using her pocket knife as a key, and then she heard the most beautiful sound ever. A click. The clicking of a door unlocking. She then slightly opened the door, and saw that it was unguarded. She then motioned for Ariel, and Sophie. The girls then crept out of the room, and then raced out of the place thankfully unnoticed. Then they were in the parking lot. The girls hid behind a large trash bin because it was guarded by Leo and a couple other men.
Lily then eyed a small, blue car which she thought could help them escape. She then heard Leo say to the other guards, “I think this area is secure, I can probably handle it”. The other guards then left, leaving Leo alone. Lily thought that she could easily take Leo out and make it to the car.
She then slowly crept towards him with her pocket knife in hand. Though she knew that a small pocket knife could not take out a six foot tall guy who obviously works out. She was about to jump on his back and yell at Ariel to get the car, when Leo spun around and grabbed her. Lily yelled, “Let me go!”. He didn’t, and she knew that she was done for. Lily then sobbed, “Please don’t kill me. I just want to go home. My parents are probably worried sick, and if they found out that I was killed they would be heartbroken. Plus if they heard that I died from a terrorist group then it would be even worse”. Leo, who had not wanted to be a terrorist in the first place, let her go and said, “Fine, but you and your friends get out of here fast. And take this”.
He then took out of his pocket a crumbled up piece of paper. The map! Mr. Jeffery’s had given him the map because he trusted him. Lily was shocked that Leo was actually helping her. He then handed her some shiny silver keys and said that he could take his car. His car was a shiny, blue car which was very fast. Lily then hugged Leo, and jumped into the car. She then thanked Leo, and sped off. Leonard then raced to get out of the scene. Sweet freedom!

Mr. Jeffery‘s then was about to go into the room where the girls are being held. When he saw that they had escaped he went irate! He yelled and demanded that they catch the girls. Worse part was that he found out that they had “stolen” the map from Leo. One of his assistants said, “ They are probably hours away. We should just drop the mission ”
Mr. Jeffrey then barked, “ No we could make millions off of this. Not millions more like billions. We could lose all of that money all because they got the map! Get any car that is fast enough to get them!”. The others then rushed off and a couple of men got into a red Ferrari. They then rode off after them.
Meanwhile, Lily was holding tight to the steering wheel as were cheering that they had escaped. “We can finally go home and forget this ever happened” Sophie kept saying over and over again. Lily looked through her rear window and saw a small red dot in the distance. Ariel looked out the window and saw it was a red car. It was gaining up fast and at first she didn’t worry.
As the car quickly got close to them. Ariel could clearly see somebody take out a large gun and fire it at them. The shot scared Lily and caused her to swerve a little. They approached a sharp turn at a steep cliff. The red car was right next to them. Lily tried to ran her car into the other, which caused both of them to swerve.

They were only inches away from the cliff and it was hard to concentrate with the gunshots. Ariel then rolled down the window, only to see the red car was only inches away from her. She screamed and ducked. The Ferrari then rammed into the girls, and Lily steered the car right into the car. It then spun around in circles, till it came to a screeching halt. Then the girls heard gunshots, but none of them hit the car. Soon they were far away from the horrible place, and the red Ferrari. They were finally free.
Have a good week!

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