Thursday, April 9, 2009

Asking for advice

Editing is important, but asking for advice about how to improve your book is harder. Here is my advice on what people you should and shouldn't ask for advice
Parents/grandparents: Unfortunatly most young writers ask their parents about how to write books. Most parents will just say "Oh your book is great the way it is!". They are usually too worried about telling you how they really feel, which does not help you.
Friend: Depends on the friend. Some friends would care less if page 54 makes sense. Others will be willing to help. Though there are some friends who are just like the parents. They are soo hyped about your book. I had a friend who constantly said "This book is soo awesome, people will so read it". Though getting support from your friends and family is important, but saying it constantly kinda sounds like they are being sarcastic after a while.
Other authors: I'm in a writers group, and I am the oldest person in the group. Most of the members are just a bunch of 6th graders. When your older who tend to see the negatives in other people's writings more easily. Unfortunatly I notice many flaws, but believe me they definitly give you critisism on your book. Well my group doesn't a lot, but they are good at letting you know what is good.

Though it is also very hard one to ask somebody whose in the writing business. For example: My mom knows this guy who is an editor, and he said he would edit my book after I finish proofreading it. I have a long way to go. Though everytime I edit my book it just keeps getting shorter. The original copy( which I fear might be lost) used to be 220 pages, but after so much editing( I took out major scenes and small details) it turned into only 190 pages. That sucks.
Oh and you might have noticed that PM and I had started our old blog again. Let me just say that we are not stalkers. Have a good week. I'm seeing Wicked tommorow and I'm realy excited!

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