Saturday, April 18, 2009

I found my FIRST mystery

I was reading Twilight for the third time when my mom came in with a bunch of old books. One happened to be called: Mystery of the stolen props. It was made in 2006(which was two years before the Wax museum book). Here is the plot summary of the stolen props:
Detective Cold is given a case to solve, it is of a bunch of props stollen from a theatre. He arrives and the owner of the place tells him to talk to actress Betty Mcquire, and the fired prop designer named Tom Amerigo. Cold talks to Tom and Tom refuses to answer question and states that he wants the theatre to close. Betty says that she saw a person enter the prop room and never leave.
Cold then finds a secret passage in the prop room and finds a small slipper which was supposidly missing. Cold goes back to the owner and the owner says that the nearbye antique store owner had wanted some of their props because they were old. Cold then realizes that Tom Amerigo must have found the secret passage and stollen the props. Tom is arrested and the play goes on. The ending says that Tom had escaped from jail and that was supposed to lead into a sequel(which I never made)

That was my first mystery and believe me it is kinda good. Though it was predictable and it was basicaly one paragraph. Oh and please comment. Have a good week!

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