Thursday, April 16, 2009

Deleted scenes: Keep them!

In my writing life I've gotten rid of many scenes from my books. But right when I start to imagine the day that I become famous, I would like to have those scenes back. Why you ask? To sell the original copy of my book with the deleted scenes. You know to make money.
Now I've had many scenes that I deleted from my books. Here is some stuff I deleted from my book that I havn't told anybody else.
Diary of a Lipgloss addict deleted scenes:
1. There were numberous scenes in the Diary book where Nancy dated Garret and he kissed her. Reason for deletion: It didn't help the plot, and I wanted the book to mainly about Justin and Nancy rather then Nancy and Garret.
2. There was a chance that Justin was the father of Maggie's baby. Reason for deletion: I didn't want to have too much going on. I wanted J and N's relationship to mainly be based off of Nancy's problem with a gang
3. During chapter 5 there was a major food fight which was supposed to get Nancy in trouble(again). Reason for deletion: Once again it didn't help the plot
Talking Cake deleted scenes:
1. The curce was supposed to be broken with the ruby and the Sleeping Rose of Nohavia. I just took out the Rose thingy. Reason: It would make them go more places and make it even more confusing, and it would drag on more. I had to get to the climax fast.
2. Daisy was supposed to die. Reason: Daisy's my favorite character, and I felt that I had to get rid of a loved character. So I got rid of Trevor. Well I thought he was liked, I don't know for sure.

The Fantasogra book:
1. There was supposed to be a chapter from the point of view of Charles. The chapter was basicly just Charles stating how much he hates Elizabeth and a couple parts of him sending a letter to Allison asking to see them alone. Reason for deletion: I had a feeling that it would get too confusing if the book was constantly changing point of views. Now the book only takes place from the point of views of Allison and Elizabeth
2. Allison was supposed to become the next fairy godmother and takes away the happily ever afters of Elizabeth and everybody who wronged her. Reason for deletion: I liked the idea of a Normal person dating a real prince( who is supposed to marry Elizabeth who is the prettiest girl in school).
Now I have a lot of deleted scenes, but you might have noticed that the Fantasogra book has only a few changes, but those changes are major. Have a good week!

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