Sunday, April 12, 2009

My original story

Ever since I wrote the Talking Cake I always wondered what the first book I ever wrote was. I've searched many places, and usually come up with a couple old books I wrote. Though the mystery of what my first novel still haunts me. So I've gotten a list of several books that could be my oldest book.
Abducted by Aliens: An old book which mainly focuses around my sister and I. We are abducted by aliens and for some reason they are very nice to us. I don't think this is my oldest, but it possibly is my oldest typed out novel.
The ghost that wore grey( a cheap "animal remake"): Now this is very old based off of the handwriting and the fact that I used notebook paper. I expect that this is possibly my oldest novel, except I don't know for sure
Walking Through Time: a very old novel which might have been the longest one at the time. It mainly focuses around Andrea, and I who find out that when we sing we go back in time. Now for some reason back then I just loved putting myself in books. I've lost contact with Andrea and I personally have no clue where she is now. Based on the bad handwriting this is probably my oldest book, and I'de like to dedicate Walking Through Time to Andrea whereever she is.
Have a great week, unfortunatly I have to go back to school. >:(

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